Chapter 3. Define (Days 9-11)
This chapter describes the first stage, Define, of the DMAIC methodology. Defining is one of the most crucial stages as it decides the direction of the project. The Define stage establishes a foundation that helps the subsequent stages to follow the structure of the methodology and to yield the desired results. This chapter will describe what the Define stage should deliver, along with the tools and techniques needed to do so. We will also return to the case study introduced in Chapter 1, What is Lean Six Sigma?, to illustrate how the Define stage should work.
Define: key deliverables. Define is the cornerstone of the DMAIC journey and plays a crucial role in the project lifecycle. The value of the Define stage can be summed up by a much repeated adage: A problem well stated is a problem half-solved. The Define stage creates the foundation over which a project can be built; it enables the subsequent phases to be executed effectively. The key deliverables of Define...