Let's see whether you can answer the following questions correctly:
- Which of the following methods of the paho.mqtt.client.Client instance blocks execution and ensures communication with the MQTT server is carried out?
- loop
- loop_start
- blocking_loop
- Which of the following methods of the paho.mqtt.client.Client instance starts a new thread and ensures communication with the MQTT server is carried out?
- loop
- loop_start
- non_blocking_loop
- Which of the following methods of the paho.mqtt.client.Client instance configures a last will message to be sent to the MQTT server if the client disconnects unexpectedly?
- last_will_publish
- last_will_message
- will_set
- Which of the following methods of the paho.mqtt.client.Client instance stops the thread that is running the threaded client interface?
- loop_end
- non_blocking_loop_stop
- loop_stop
- Which of the following...