Deploying a token smart contract
If you have read through all the chapters so far, this section will appear to cover what you are already familiar with. However, I have still chosen to include this section for quick reference and to reinforce your learning.
First, run the Ethereum blockchain in development mode:
$ geth --dev --http --http.api eth,web3,net
Find the location of the IPC file from the output of the command. If you run Geth on Linux, usually the location of the IPC file is /tmp/geth.ipc
Find the address of your Ape
$ cat ~/.ape/accounts/chapter_17.json {"address": "50b177C373Fa60831AD6231B9b885666384D5BB6", "crypto": {"cipher": "aes-128-ctr", "cipherparams": {"iv": "184bd106870064800d1f225f890c402b"}, "ciphertext": "33f7b733e59f5ff9cdf638eefb35f153154b2a21234ac14c6b80631b7e276a96", "kdf": "scrypt", "kdfparams": {"...