Using an Ops service
We are not going to go into complete detail about this service, as we have covered how gRPC works in previous chapters. As this service just makes gRPC or REST calls to other services, let's talk about the calls that need to be implemented.
The protocol buffer service definition is as follows:
service Ops { rpc ListTraces(ListTracesReq) returns (ListTracesResp) {}; rpc ShowTrace(ShowTraceReq) returns (ShowTraceResp) {}; rpc ChangeSampling(ChangeSamplingReq) returns (ChangeSamplingResp) {}; rpc DeployedVersion(DeployedVersionReq) returns (DeployedVersionResp) {}; rpc Alerts(AlertsReq) returns (AlertsResp) {}; }
For our example service, these RPCs are targeted at a single deployed instance, but in a production environment, this would work on multiple entities that exist on a site.
This allows users...