Customizing results
There is one more thing we should take into consideration when it comes to security and usability of our app. What if we could enable multiple users to use the Lending Library, with each user only able to see the items that belong to them? If we did this, we could stop people from being able to see what kinds of things other people own, and at the same time, we could allow each person to track their own stuff. We originally set out to just create an app for ourselves, but with a little tweaking, we can let anyone use it, and they'll think we're awesome and maybe buy us lunch! Or...a new wrench!
Modifying Meteor.publish()
In preparation for multiple people using our application, we need to make sure that no one can see anyone else's stuff. This is done inside the Meteor.publish()
declaration for
categories. Logically, if we limit which categories can be seen by a user, this limitation will cascade to the visible items because items are found inside categories
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