Redirection of Local Special Folders in sessions
William can enable Special Folder Redirection to simplify the way Brick Unit's users save Files to their special folders locally. Special folders are Windows folders such as Documents, Computer, and the Desktop.
When Special Folder Redirection is disabled, the Documents and Desktop icons that appear in a session point to the user's Documents and Desktop folders on the XenApp server.
When Special Folder Redirection redirects is enabled, and users open or save a File from special folders, they are accessing the special folder on a File server (the preferred option) instead of their local computers.
There are two scenarios where enabling Special Folders Redirection to client machine is not recommended: when users connect to the same session from multiple client machines simultaneously or when remote users are accessing through Access Gateway or VPN.
For Special Folder Redirection to work, the user must log off from the session on the first client...