Using Animation Assist for 2D Animation
Animation works by creating the illusion of motion by placing one drawing after another. Each drawing is called a frame. The drawings change slightly from frame to frame, making the final output appear as if it’s moving.
Aside from illustration, Procreate also offers robust tools for 2D animation. These tools are organized under a feature called Animation Assist. It works by converting your workspace from an illustration-focused interface to an animation-focused one.
In this chapter, you will be introduced to this feature in detail. This will help you create your own animations on the app. We will learn about the interface of Animation Assist, and how to use its specialized tools for animating.
We’re going to cover the following broad topics here:
- Using the Animation Assist interface
- Fine-tuning motion using animation settings
- Editing frames with Frame options
By the end of this chapter, you will...