After having gone through this chapter and building the Snap application, we have seen several facets of how Flask may be augmented with the use of extensions, such as Flask-WTF (for web form creation and validation), Flask-SQLAlchemy (for simple integration with the SQLAlchemy database abstraction library), Flask-Bcrypt (for password hashing), and Flask-Login (to abstract much of the standard implementation requirements for a simple user login system). While Flask itself is relatively spartan, the ecology of extensions that are available make it such that building a fully fledged user-authenticated application may be done quickly and relatively painlessly.
We explored the aforementioned extensions and their usefulness, including Flask-WTF and Flask-SQLAlchemy, and architected a simple blueprint-based application that integrated all of the above components. While the Snap application itself is quite simple and leaves much to be implemented, it lends itself very easily to updates...