Using CLR Profiler 4.5
CLR Profiler is a profiler tool used to profile any compiled PE of .NET. It is free and open source, although it is not available by default in the current installation of .NET and Visual Studio 2015.
A profiler is basically a helper tool to analyze the elements of a running program that relates to performances, such as:
- Memory consumptions
- Execution time allocations in terms of classes and modules into smaller elements such as functions and subroutines
- Examining garbage collections (if the platform has support for garbage collection)
Based on the previous definitions, the CLR Profiler is simply a profiler to examine (or to profile) any application that runs on top of .NET CLR.
There are profilers toolings for .NET, not just CLR Profiler, out there, unfortunately not all the toolings are free. Fortunately, CLR Profiler has complete features to profile .NET application, and it is also free and open source. We can also build our own profiler based on the existing CLR Profiler...