Chapter 2. Laying Out a Rich User Interface
These are the recipes that you will learn in this chapter:
Laying out items within a container using CSS style absolute positioning
How form elements and other components maintain their proportions when their containers are resized
Stacking items with an accordion layout
Wizard style UI using a card layout
Using a tabbed look
Taking all the browser window's real estate
Positioning components in multiple columns
Using the table layout
Creating a modern application layout with collapsible regions
A custom column layout
A three-panel application layout with a single line of code
Creating a portal and a portlets catalog
Components layout is one of the most important areas of the Ext JS library. This chapter teaches you how to create different layouts that the Ext JS library provides, and informs you about their most common uses. You will also be introduced to creating custom reusable layouts that can meet the most demanding requirements of your applications...