A few last words on the sample software applications
We are almost at the end of this last chapter, and thus the entire book, which means the main subject would be normally covered by now. But I want to mention a few things about code and the way the sample application needs to be continued, since, of course, change is the only constant.
Code adjustments
First, there’s the code itself. As mentioned previously, I have tried hard to simplify the examples in order to provide you with an easy read. This also means that the code may seem over-simplified at times, particularly for expert coders. This is done on purpose not only for the simplicity of reading but also to reiterate that the simplest, most readable code is often the best and that 80% of the technical sophistication we apply is hard to justify with actual numbers.
The code provided was skeleton only, in order not to mix the principles with some code technicalities (again, separating true, business-related complexity...