Building an ad audience
Now that the technical part of connecting the ad accounts is completed, it is time to create your ad audience.
Your ad audience will affect the entire ad. You decide how wide or narrow to make this audience in your Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn ads. HubSpot gives you three ways to create your audience based on your website visitors, HubSpot contacts, and existing audiences.
Before you start creating the ad audience, it's important to understand the different requirements each platform has.
The criteria for Google Ads audiences are as follows:
- For Google Search Network, the audience should be at least 1,000 visitors within the last 30 days.
- For Google Display Network, the audience should be at least 100 visitors within the last 30 days.
- For Facebook ads, the audience needs to contain at least 20 users.
- For LinkedIn Ads, the audience needs to contain at least 300 users.
The advantage of creating an audience in HubSpot...