Discussion forums are a great way to allow users to discuss various topics with other users on the site. Forums themselves act as containers for topics and any child forums within them.
Within Drupal discussion forums, topics are similar to pages with comments. A user creates a topic containing a subject and some content, and other users can then write comments on the topic. These comments are threaded in style so that replies to specific comments are clearly grouped, showing the conversation which takes place within the comments.
Planning our forum structure
Before we start creating forums for our site, it is a good idea to think about the sort of discussions we would like to have. Initially, we would probably want to have discussions on the following:
Dinosaur health
Dinosaur care
Places to visit with your dinosaur
Dinosaur-friendly hotels
General discussion amongst users
Stories from our users
While this initial list is helpful, it isn't structured. We now need to think about those topics...