__str__() method 13
__unicode__() method 14
abstract model 367
activity stream
displaying 207, 208
add() method, parameters
override_quantity 243
product 243
quantity 243
administration site
creating, for models 16
custom actions, adding 285, 286, 287
Django administration site 17
extending, with custom views 288, 291
models, adding 18, 19
models, customizing 20, 22
superuser, creating 16
administration templates
reference link 291
reference link 66
aggregation functions
average value (Avg) 66
count value (Count) 66
maximum value (Max) 66
minimum value (Min) 66
reference link 72
AJAX actions
adding, with jQuery 175, 176
AJAX GET request, scenario
response, with data
response, with no content
AJAX pagination
adding, to list view 185, 186
AJAX requests
performing, with jQuery 180, 182, 183
with cross...