Functional error handling
Functional error handling in C# involves using functional programming techniques to handle and propagate errors more elegantly and robustly. It focuses on avoiding exceptions and mutable state for error handling and instead relies on data structures and monads to represent and manage errors in a functional and declarative way.
There are several approaches to functional error handling in C#:
- Option types and the Maybe monad: As discussed earlier, Option types and the Maybe monad can be used to represent the absence of a value or the success/failure of an operation without resorting to null references or exceptions. Instead of throwing exceptions, functions can return Option types or Maybe monads, allowing callers to handle the absence of results or potential errors explicitly.
Here’s an example of using Option types for error handling in C#:
public Option<int> TryParseInt(string input){ if (int.TryParse(input, out...