Chapter 20
Building Windows Desktop Apps
This chapter is about building applications for Windows desktop using three technologies: Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), and Universal Windows Platform (UWP). Windows Forms and WPF support using .NET Core 3.0 as their runtime, but current design-time support is limited so I only recommend this if you have existing Windows Forms or WPF apps that must be migrated to .NET Core 3.0. Personally, I would recommend leaving those apps on .NET Framework at least until Visual Studio has much better design-time support for these legacy app models.
Most of this chapter will cover UWP apps that use the modern Windows Runtime and can execute apps built using a custom version of .NET Core 2.0 that compiles to .NET Native. Although most of this chapter does not technically use .NET Core 3.0, in November 2020 Microsoft will release .NET 5.0, which will be the single unified platform for .NET used by all app models, including...