Defining your database layout
Oracle information is stored within a schema. The schema is the objects (tables, views, sequences, and so on) owned within the database. In a business intelligence and data warehouse solution, there are normally multiple schemas that encompass the solution.
Getting ready
Understand the proposed technology for the project and pre-read the installation requirements to get an understanding of the schema requirements.
How to do it...
Creating schemas within the database allows you to segregate and separate objects. This makes it easier to manage the objects with greater flexibility.
Separate your schemas into two categories:
1. Application Owners: These are the required schemas to house the information for the solution:
a. EDW_APP: The Enterprise Data Warehouse schema is for custom applications, to capture or enhance information or common lookups. This becomes a source for the data warehouse.
b. EDW_STAGE: The Enterprise Data Warehouse stage schema will store all the...