Building the game for the web and desktop
As mentioned in the introduction, if you launched our game in Google Chrome, you would notice that the map and UI are drawn incorrectly and are in the wrong places. So, what is going on here?
The larger screen size that is changing constantly when we resize the screen is confusing our game, which currently thinks the size is fixed and the initial positions of our components are set relative to our fixed screen size. Because of this confusion, the graphics can look weird and our previously working touch events can now get confused because of this new screen size.
The solution to this is to ask the game to tell us when the screen is resized, and for us to use the new screen size to recalculate the positions of all our components. To make this more straightforward, we are going to mathematically calculate the boundaries of our game so that we know where the top, left, right, and bottom of our map are in relation to our new screen size, and...