Crank up a project, and inside <html>, the first thing that you need to do is adding a TextBox control. To do this, go to View | Toolbox, type tex in the search field, and drag and drop the TextBox below the line that begins with <form id=.... Type Enter Value: at the beginning of the line, so that it looks like the following:
Enter Value:<asp:TextBoxID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
So, you'll have a box; enter a value into the box, and then you'll get a result. You'll scan an XML document to select items that are above a certain value, $50 or $60, for example. This is our objective; in other words, to make a searchable page.
Next, you'll insert a button into <html>. So again, go to Toolbox, type but in the search field, and drag and drop the Button control beneath...