Simple gesture recognition using accelerometers
In Chapter 4, Locating in the World, you were introduced to the various sensors that are built into the typical Android device. You learned how to use them to derive the orientation of your device. However, there is much more you can do with those sensors, specifically accelerometers. If you have ever played Wii games, you were surely fascinated by the natural interaction you could achieve by waving the Wiimote around (for example, when playing a tennis or golf Wii game). Interestingly, the Wiimote uses similar accelerometers to many Android smartphones, so you can actually implement similar interaction methods as with the Wiimote. For complex 3D-motion gestures (such as drawing a figure eight in the air), you will need either some machine learning background or access to use libraries such as the one at the following link: However, if you only want to recognize...