Classic ASP Style: Inline Coding
Firstly, we will study the classic inline style of coding, which was the only option available during the good old ASP 3.0 days. This was a mix of interpreted ASP scripts and HTML code. In terms of architecture, there was not much flexibility, although developers used classes to bring some object oriented flavor to the projects, but these were not pure OO classes. Core features such as inheritance were not supported. Moreover, there was lot of effort involved in coding these classes, so most developers preferred to mix coding that was much faster in terms of development time. At a high level, an ASP project configuration would usually follow the given diagram:

In this diagram, we have ASP script files in the web server directory being processed by ASP ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) DLL in IIS and rendered in the client browser. ISAPI DLL is a part of IIS itself, and not a separate process such as the ASP.NET runtime engine.