Mean Shift Algorithm
Mean shift is a hierarchical clustering algorithm. Unlike the k-means algorithm, in mean shift, the clustering algorithm determines how many clusters are needed, and also performs the clustering. This is advantageous because we rarely know how many clusters we are looking for.
This algorithm also has many use cases in our everyday lives. For instance, the Xbox Kinect device detects human body parts using the mean shift algorithm. Some mobile phones also use the Mean Shift algorithm to detect faces. With the growth of social media platforms, image segmentation is a feature that many users have gotten used to. As image segmentation is also a basis of computer vision, some applications can be found there. The mean shift algorithm may also save lives, as it is built into the car detection software of many modern cars. Imagine that someone emergency brakes in front of you. The image segmentation software of your car detects that the car in front of you is getting...