Working with solutions
In this section, we will take a look at how to work with solutions.
Creating a solution
First of all, we need to know how to create a solution.
In the maker portal (, go to Solutions. There, click on + New solution.

4.5: Opening the New solution flyout
This will open the form for creating a new solution on the right side. Here, we have to present a Display name and a Name (a schema name without spaces). We also have to specify the publisher by selecting one from the list or creating a new one.

Figure 4.6: Creating a new solution
With this, we have created our first unmanaged solution. In the next few sections, we will learn how to work with solutions.
Creating a publisher
While creating a new solution, you can select + New publisher to create a new publisher.

Figure 4.7: Opening the New publisher flyout
This will open another flyout...