The candidate's votes for a round are calculated by taking the sum of the votes from the previous round and votes received in the current round. The votes received in the current round and votes transferred away in the current round represent “votes being transferred”.
The single transferable vote system was opted because it is a type of ranked-choice voting which is used for electing a group of candidates, for instance, a committee or a council. In this type of voting, the votes are transferred from losing candidates to other choices in the ballot.
The first round considered the count of first choices. Since none of the candidates had surplus votes so the candidates who received the least number of votes or no votes at all got eliminated and votes for other candidates got transferred for the next round.
Round 2 calculated the count after eliminating Lea Wegner and Robin Krom who received 0 votes. There was a tie between, Lea Wegner and Robin Krom while choosing candidates to eliminate. Though Lea Wegner was later chosen by breaking the tie randomly. Since none of the candidates had surplus votes they got transferred for the next round.
Round 3 calculated the count after eliminating Robin Krom and transferring votes. Since none of the candidates had surplus votes they got transferred for the next round.
Round 4 calculated the count after eliminating Nate Barbettini and transferring votes. There was a tie between the candidates Peter Mbanugo, Robert McLaws, Virgile Bello, Nate Barbettini, and Marc Bruins while choosing candidates to eliminate. In this round candidate, Nate Barbettini was chosen by breaking the tie randomly. Since none of the candidates had surplus votes they got transferred for the next round.
The fifth round considered the count after eliminating Marc Bruins and transferring votes. There was a tie between the candidates, Peter Mbanugo, Robert McLaws, Virgile Bello, and Marc Bruins while choosing the candidates to eliminate. Out of which, Marc Bruins was chosen by breaking the tie randomly. Since none of the candidates had surplus votes they got transferred for the next round.
Collectively there were 41 such rounds where each round was an elimination round and then finally the winners were declared.
To know more about this news, check out Opavote’s blog post.
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