Gathering BAM data from a BPEL process
To be able to monitor the process KPIs, we first need to make sure that the corresponding data is gathered during the BPEL process execution. Upon this data, we can develop a BAM dashboard, which business users and executives can use to monitor the process execution. In this section, we will focus on gathering the BAM data and will overview the possibilities that we have in Oracle BAM.
To gather the data for BAM, Oracle BAM uses the BAM data objects. Data objects are database tables that store data. Each data object has a specific layout, which can be a combination of data fields, lookup fields, and calculated fields. We have to make sure that the relevant data will be gathered during BPEL process execution, and stored to the data objects.
For gathering BPEL process execution data for the Oracle BAM data objects, we will use the Oracle BAM Adapter. It provides three mechanisms:
We can define monitoring objects to transfer data to automatically generated...