Telecom operator's benefit derived from RCS
The billing and charging models with the RCS service are multidimensional in nature. The following diagram depicts some aspects of the revenue generation model derived from an RCS-capable WebRTC communication platform aimed towards Business to Business (B2B):

The following charging models are primarily for the Service Provider's benefit, as they discuss the monetization aspects of an RCS-enabled communication:
Subscription-based model: This model allows full RCS usage after a monthly payment. This is a flat-pricing model. It adds RCS features on top of a user's existing service plan. After the expiry of the subscription period, the user is reverted to the old service plan.
Service bundled model: In service bundling, the user's existing service plan is completely replaced with the RCS service plan. The performance is better than the subscription-based model, and no separate billing is required to handle subscriptions.
Loyalty model: This model can...