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Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux. - Third Edition
Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux. - Third Edition

Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux.: Explore the methods and tools of ethical hacking with Kali Linux, Third Edition

By Daniel W. Dieterle , Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez , Juned Ahmed Ansari
Book Feb 2018 426 pages 3rd Edition
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Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux. - Third Edition

Chapter 1. Introduction to Penetration Testing and Web Applications

A web application uses the HTTP protocol for client-server communication and requires a web browser as the client interface. It is probably the most ubiquitous type of application in modern companies, from Human Resources' organizational climate surveys to IT technical services for a company's website. Even thick and mobile applications and many Internet of Things (IoT) devices make use of web components through web services and the web interfaces that are embedded into them.

Not long ago, it was thought that security was necessary only at the organization's perimeter and only at network level, so companies spent considerable amount of money on physical and network security. With that, however, came a somewhat false sense of security because of their reliance on web technologies both inside and outside of the organization. In recent years and months, we have seen news of spectacular data leaks and breaches of millions of records including information such as credit card numbers, health histories, home addresses, and the Social Security Numbers (SSNs) of people from all over the world. Many of these attacks were started by exploiting a web vulnerability or design failure.

Modern organizations acknowledge that they depend on web applications and web technologies, and that they are as prone to attack as their network and operating systems—if not more so. This has resulted in an increase in the number of companies who provide protection or defense services against web attacks, as well as the appearance or growth of technologies such as Web Application Firewall (WAF), Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP), web vulnerability scanners, and source code scanners. Also, there has been an increase in the number of organizations that find it valuable to test the security of their applications before releasing them to end users, providing an opportunity for talented hackers and security professionals to use their skills to find flaws and provide advice on how to fix them, thereby helping companies, hospitals, schools, and governments to have more secure applications and increasingly improved software development practices.

Proactive security testing

Penetration testing and ethical hacking are proactive ways of testing web applications by performing attacks that are similar to a real attack that could occur on any given day. They are executed in a controlled way with the objective of finding as many security flaws as possible and to provide feedback on how to mitigate the risks posed by such flaws.

It is very beneficial for companies to perform security testing on applications before releasing them to end users. In fact, there are security-conscious corporations that have nearly completely integrated penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, and source code reviews in their software development cycle. Thus, when they release a new application, it has already been through various stages of testing and remediation.

Different testing methodologies

People are often confused by the following terms, using them interchangeably without understanding that, although some aspects of these terms overlap, there are also subtle differences that require your attention:

  • Ethical hacking
  • Penetration testing
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Security audits

Ethical hacking

Very few people realize that hacking is a misunderstood term; it means different things to different people, and more often than not a hacker is thought of as a person sitting in a dark enclosure with no social life and malicious intent. Thus, the word ethical is prefixed here to the term, hacking. The term, ethical hacker is used to refer to professionals who work to identify loopholes and vulnerabilities in systems, report it to the vendor or owner of the system, and, at times, help them fix the system. The tools and techniques used by an ethical hacker are similar to the ones used by a cracker or a black hat hacker, but the aim is different as it is used in a more professional way. Ethical hackers are also known as security researchers.

Penetration testing

Penetration testing is a term that we will use very often in this book, and it is a subset of ethical hacking. It is a more professional term used to describe what an ethical hacker does. If you are planning a career in ethical hacking or security testing, then you would often see job postings with the title, Penetration Tester. Although penetration testing is a subset of ethical hacking, it differs in many ways. It's a more streamlined way of identifying vulnerabilities in systems and finding out if the vulnerability is exploitable or not. Penetration testing is governed by a contract between the tester and owner of the systems to be tested. You need to define the scope of the test in order to identify the systems to be tested. Rules of Engagement need to be defined, which determines the way in which the testing is to be done.

Vulnerability assessment

At times, organizations might want only to identify the vulnerabilities that exist in their systems without actually exploiting them and gaining access. Vulnerability assessments are broader than penetration tests. The end result of vulnerability assessment is a report prioritizing the vulnerabilities found, with the most severe ones listed at the top and the ones posing a lesser risk appearing lower in the report. This report is very helpful for clients who know that they have security issues and who need to identify and prioritize the most critical ones.

Security audits

Auditing is a systematic procedure that is used to measure the state of a system against a predetermined set of standards. These standards can be industry best practices or an in-house checklist. The primary objective of an audit is to measure and report on conformance. If you are auditing a web server, some of the initial things to look out for are the open ports on the server, harmful HTTP methods, such as TRACE, enabled on the server, the encryption standard used, and the key length.

Considerations when performing penetration testing

When planning to execute a penetration testing project, be it for a client as a professional penetration tester or as part of a company's internal security team, there are aspects that always need to be considered before starting the engagement.

Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement (RoE) is a document that deals with the manner in which the penetration test is to be conducted. Some of the directives that should be clearly spelled out in RoE before you start the penetration test are as follows:

  • The type and scope of testing
  • Client contact details
  • Client IT team notifications
  • Sensitive data handling
  • Status meeting and reports

The type and scope of testing

The type of testing can be black box, white box, or an intermediate gray box, depending on how the engagement is performed and the amount of information shared with the testing team.

There are things that can and cannot be done in each type of testing. With black box testing, the testing team works from the view of an attacker who is external to the organization, as the penetration tester starts from scratch and tries to identify the network map, the defense mechanisms implemented, the internet-facing websites and services, and so on. Even though this approach may be more realistic in simulating an external attacker, you need to consider that such information may be easily gathered from public sources or that the attacker may be a disgruntled employee or ex-employee who already possess it. Thus, it may be a waste of time and money to take a black box approach if, for example, the target is an internal application meant to be used by employees only.

White box testing is where the testing team is provided with all of the available information about the targets, sometimes even including the source code of the applications, so that little or no time is spent on reconnaissance and scanning. A gray box test then would be when partial information, such as URLs of applications, user-level documentation, and/or user accounts are provided to the testing team.

Gray box testing is especially useful when testing web applications, as the main objective is to find vulnerabilities within the application itself, not in the hosting server or network. Penetration testers can work with user accounts to adopt the point of view of a malicious user or an attacker that gained access through social engineering.


When deciding on the scope of testing, the client along with the testing team need to evaluate what information is valuable and necessary to be protected, and based on that, determine which applications/networks need to be tested and with what degree of access to the information.

Client contact details

We can agree that even when we take all of the necessary precautions when conducting tests, at times the testing can go wrong because it involves making computers do nasty stuff. Having the right contact information on the client-side really helps. A penetration test is often seen turning into a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. The technical team on the client side should be available 24/7 in case a computer goes down and a hard reset is needed to bring it back online.


Penetration testing web applications has the advantage that it can be done in an environment that has been specially built for that purpose, allowing the testers to reduce the risk of negatively affecting the client's productive assets.

Client IT team notifications

Penetration tests are also used as a means to check the readiness of the support staff in responding to incidents and intrusion attempts. You should discuss this with the client whether it is an announced or unannounced test. If it's an announced test, make sure that you inform the client of the time and date, as well as the source IP addresses from where the testing (attack) will be done, in order to avoid any real intrusion attempts being missed by their IT security team. If it's an unannounced test, discuss with the client what will happen if the test is blocked by an automated system or network administrator. Does the test end there, or do you continue testing? It all depends on the aim of the test, whether it's conducted to test the security of the infrastructure or to check the response of the network security and incident handling team. Even if you are conducting an unannounced test, make sure that someone in the escalation matrix knows about the time and date of the test. Web application penetration tests are usually announced.

Sensitive data handling

During test preparation and execution, the testing team will be provided with and may also find sensitive information about the company, the system, and/or its users. Sensitive data handling needs special attention in the RoE and proper storage and communication measures should be taken (for example, full disk encryption on the testers' computers, encrypting reports if they are sent by email, and so on). If your client is covered under the various regulatory laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), or the European data privacy laws, only authorized personnel should be able to view personal user data.

Status meeting and reports

Communication is key for a successful penetration test. Regular meetings should be scheduled between the testing team and the client organization and routine status reports issued by the testing team. The testing team should present how far they have reached and what vulnerabilities have been found up to that point. The client organization should also confirm whether their detection systems have triggered any alerts resulting from the penetration attempt. If a web server is being tested and a WAF was deployed, it should have logged and blocked attack attempts. As a best practice, the testing team should also document the time when the test was conducted. This will help the security team in correlating the logs with the penetration tests.


WAFs work by analyzing the HTTP/HTTPS traffic between clients and servers, and they are capable of detecting and blocking the most common attacks on web applications.

The limitations of penetration testing

Although penetration tests are recommended and should be conducted on a regular basis, there are certain limitations to penetration testing. The quality of the test and its results will directly depend on the skills of the testing team. Penetration tests cannot find all of the vulnerabilities due to the limitation of scope, limitation of access of penetration testers to the testing environment, and limitations of tools used by the tester. The following are some of the limitations of a penetration test:

  • Limitation of skills: As mentioned earlier, the success and quality of the test will directly depend on the skills and experience of the penetration testing team. Penetration tests can be classified into three broad categories: network, system, and web application penetration testing. You will not get correct results if you make a person skilled in network penetration testing work on a project that involves testing a web application. With the huge number of technologies deployed on the internet today, it is hard to find a person skillful in all three. A tester may have in-depth knowledge of Apache web servers, but might be encountering an IIS server for the first time. Past experience also plays a significant role in the success of the test; mapping a low-risk vulnerability to a system that has a high level of threat is a skill that is only acquired through experience.
  • Limitation of time: Penetration testing is often a short-term project that has to be completed in a predefined time period. The testing team is required to produce results and identify vulnerabilities within that period. Attackers, on the other hand, have much more time to work on their attacks and can plan them carefully. Penetration testers also have to produce a report at the end of the test, describing the methodology, vulnerabilities identified, and an executive summary. Screenshots have to be taken at regular intervals, which are then added to the report. Clearly, an attacker will not be writing any reports and can therefore dedicate more time to the actual attack.
  • Limitation of custom exploits: In some highly secure environments, normal penetration testing frameworks and tools are of little use and the team is required to think outside of the box, such as by creating a custom exploit and manually writing scripts to reach the target. Creating exploits is extremely time consuming, and it affects the overall budget and time for the test. In any case, writing custom exploits should be part of the portfolio of any self-respecting penetration tester.
  • Avoiding DoS attack: Hacking and penetration testing is the art of making a computer or application do things that it was not designed to do. Thus, at times, a test may lead to a DoS attack rather than gaining access to the system. Many testers do not run such tests in order to avoid inadvertently causing downtime on the system. Since systems are not tested for DoS attacks, they are more prone to attacks by script kiddies, who are just out there looking for such internet-accessible systems in order to seek fame by taking them offline. Script kiddies are unskilled individuals who exploit easy-to-find and well-known weaknesses in computer systems in order to gain notoriety without understanding, or caring about, the potential harmful consequences. Educating the client about the pros and cons of a DoS test should be done, as this will help them to make the right decision.
  • Limitation of access: Networks are divided into different segments, and the testing team will often have access and rights to test only those segments that have servers and are accessible from the internet in order to simulate a real-world attack. However, such a test will not detect configuration issues and vulnerabilities on the internal network where the clients are located.
  • Limitations of tools used: Sometimes, the penetration testing team is only allowed to use a client-approved list of tools and exploitation frameworks. No one tool is complete irrespective of it being a free version or a commercial one. The testing team needs to be knowledgeable about these tools, and they will have to find alternatives when features are missing from them.

In order to overcome these limitations, large organizations have a dedicated penetration testing team that researches new vulnerabilities and performs tests regularly. Other organizations perform regular configuration reviews in addition to penetration tests.

The need for testing web applications

With the huge number of internet-facing websites and the increase in the number of organizations doing business online, web applications and web servers make an attractive target for attackers. Web applications are everywhere across public and private networks, so attackers don't need to worry about a lack of targets. Only a web browser is required to interact with a web application. Some of the defects in web applications, such as logic flaws, can be exploited even by a layman. For example, due to bad implementation of logic, if a company has an e-commerce website that allows the user to add items to their cart after the checkout process and a malicious user finds this out through trial and error, they would then be able to exploit this easily without needing any special tools.

Vulnerabilities in web applications also provide a means for spreading malware and viruses, and these can spread across the globe in a matter of minutes. Cybercriminals realize considerable financial gains by exploiting web applications and installing malware that will then be passed on to the application's users.

Firewalls at the edge are more permissive to inbound HTTP traffic flowing towards the web server, so the attacker does not require any special ports to be open. The HTTP protocol, which was designed many years ago, does not provide any built-in security features; it's a cleartext protocol, and it requires the additional layering of using the HTTPS protocol in order to secure communication. It also does not provide individual session identification, and it leaves it to the developer to design it in. Many developers are hired directly out of college, and they have only theoretical knowledge of programming languages and no prior experience with the security aspects of web application programming. Even when the vulnerability is reported to the developers, they take a long time to fix it as they are busier with the feature creation and enhancement portion of the web application.


Secure coding starts with the architecture and designing phase of web applications, so it needs to be integrated early into the development cycle. Integrating security later will prove to be difficult, and it requires a lot of rework. Identifying risks and threats early in the development phase using threat modeling really helps in minimizing vulnerabilities in the production-ready code of the web application.

Investing resources in writing secure code is an effective method for minimizing web application vulnerabilities. However, writing secure code is easy to say but difficult to implement.

Reasons to guard against attacks on web applications

Some of the most compelling reasons to guard against attacks on web applications are as follows:

  • Protecting customer data
  • Compliance with law and regulation
  • Loss of reputation
  • Revenue loss
  • Protection against business disruption.

If the web application interacts with and stores credit card information, then it needs to be in compliance with the rules and regulations laid out by Payment Card Industry (PCI). PCI has specific guidelines, such as reviewing all code for vulnerabilities in the web application or installing a WAF in order to mitigate the risk.

When the web application is not tested for vulnerabilities and an attacker gains access to customer data, it can severely affect the brand of the company if a customer files a lawsuit against the company for not adequately protecting their data. It may also lead to revenue losses, since many customers will move to competitors who might assure better security.

Attacks on web applications may also result in severe disruption of service if it's a DoS attack, if the server is taken offline to clean up the exposed data, or for a forensics investigation. This might be reflected negatively in the financial statements.

These reasons should be enough to convince the senior management of your organization to invest resources in terms of money, manpower, and skills in order to improve the security of your web applications.

Kali Linux

In this book, we will use the tools provided by Kali Linux to accomplish our testing. Kali Linux is a Debian-based GNU/Linux distribution. Kali Linux is used by security professionals to perform offensive security tasks, and it is maintained by a company known as Offensive Security. The predecessor of Kali Linux is BackTrack, which was one of the primary tools used by penetration testers for more than six years until 2013, when it was replaced by Kali Linux. In August 2015, the second version of Kali Linux was released with the code name Kali Sana, and in January 2016, it switched to a rolling release.

This means that the software is continuously updated without the need to change the operating system version. Kali Linux comes with a large set of popular hacking tools, which are ready to use with all of the prerequisites installed. We will take a deep dive into the tools and use them to test web applications that are vulnerable to major flaws which are found in real-world web applications.

A web application overview for penetration testers

Web applications involve much more than just HTML code and web servers. If you are not a programmer who is actively involved in the development of web applications, then chances are that you are unfamiliar with the inner workings of the HTTP protocol, the different ways web applications interact with the database, and what exactly happens when a user clicks a link or enters the URL of a website into their web browser.

As a penetration tester, understanding how the information flows from the client to the server and database and then back to the client is very important. This section will include information that will help an individual who has no prior knowledge of web application penetration testing to make use of the tools provided in Kali Linux to conduct an end-to-end web penetration test. You will get a broad overview of the following:

  • HTTP protocol
  • Headers in HTTP
  • Session tracking using cookies
  • HTML
  • Architecture of web applications

HTTP protocol

The underlying protocol that carries web application traffic between the web server and the client is known as the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP). HTTP/1.1, the most common implementation of the protocol, is defined in RFCs 7230-7237, which replaced the older version defined in RFC 2616. The latest version, known as HTTP/2, was published in May 2015, and it is defined in RFC 7540. The first release, HTTP/1.0, is now considered obsolete and is not recommended.

As the internet evolved, new features were added to the subsequent releases of the HTTP protocol. In HTTP/1.1, features such as persistent connections, OPTIONS method, and several other improvements in the way HTTP supports caching were added.


RFC is a detailed technical document describing internet standards and protocols created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The final version of the RFC document becomes a standard that can be followed when implementing the protocol in your applications.

HTTP is a client-server protocol, wherein the client (web browser) makes a request to the server and in return the server responds to the request. The response by the server is mostly in the form of HTML-formatted pages. By default, HTTP protocol uses port 80, but the web server and the client can be configured to use a different port.

HTTP is a cleartext protocol, which means that all of the information between the client and server travels unencrypted, and it can be seen and understood by any intermediary in the communication chain. To tackle this deficiency in HTTP's design, a new implementation was released that establishes an encrypted communication channel with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and then sends HTTP packets through it. This was called HTTPS or HTTP over SSL. In recent years, SSL has been increasingly replaced by a newer protocol called Transport Layer Security (TLS), currently in version 1.2.

Knowing an HTTP request and response

An HTTP request is the message a client sends to the server in order to get some information or execute some action. It has two parts separated by a blank line: the header and body. The header contains all of the information related to the request itself, response expected, cookies, and other relevant control information, and the body contains the data exchanged. An HTTP response has the same structure, changing the content and use of the information contained within it.

The request header

Here is an HTTP request captured using a web application proxy when browsing to

The first line in this header indicates the method of the request: GET, the resource requested: / (that is, the root directory) and the protocol version: HTTP 1.1. There are several other fields that can be in an HTTP header. We will discuss the most relevant fields:

  • Host: This specifies the host and port number of the resource being requested. A web server may contain more than one site, or it may contain technologies such as shared hosting or load balancing. This parameter is used to distinguish between different sites/applications served by the same infrastructure.
  • User-Agent: This field is used by the server to identify the type of client (that is, web browser) which will receive the information. It is useful for developers in that the response can be adapted according to the user's configuration, as not all features in the HTTP protocol and in web development languages will be compatible with all browsers.
  • Cookie: Cookies are temporary values exchanged between the client and server and used, among other reasons, to keep session information.
  • Content-Type: This indicates to the server the media type contained within the request's body.
  • Authorization: HTTP allows for per-request client authentication through this parameter. There are multiple modes of authenticating, with the most common being Basic, Digest, NTLM, and Bearer.

The response header

Upon receiving a request and processing its contents, the server may respond with a message such as the one shown here:

The first line of the response header contains the status code (200), which is a three-digit code. This helps the browser understand the status of operation. The following are the details of a few important fields:

  • Status code: There is no field named status code, but the value is passed in the header. The 2xx series of status codes are used to communicate a successful operation back to the web browser. The 3xx series is used to indicate redirection when a server wants the client to connect to another URL when a web page is moved. The 4xx series is used to indicate an error in the client request and that the user will have to modify the request before resending. The 5xx series indicates an error on the server side, as the server was unable to complete the operation. In the preceding header, the status code is 200, which means that the operation was successful. A full list of HTTP status codes can be found at

  • Set-Cookie: This field, if defined, will establish a cookie value in the client that can be used by the server to identify the client and store temporary data.

  • Cache-Control: This indicates whether or not the contents of the response (images, script code, or HTML) should be stored in the browser's cache to reduce page loading times and how this should be done.

  • Server: This field indicates the server type and version. As this information may be of interest for potential attackers, it is good practice to configure servers to omit its responses, as is the case in the header shown in the preceding screenshot.

  • Content-Length: This field will contain a value indicating the number of bytes in the body of the response. It is used so that the other party can know when the current request/response has finished.

The exhaustive list of all of the header fields and their usage can be found at the following URL:

HTTP methods

When a client sends a request to the server, it should also inform the server what action is to be performed on the desired resource. For example, if a user only wants to view the contents of a web page, it will invoke the GET method, which informs the servers to send the contents of the web page to the client web browser.

Several methods are described in this section. They are of interest to a penetration tester, as they indicate what type of data exchange is happening between the two endpoints.

The GET method

The GET method is used to retrieve whatever information is identified by the URL or generated by a process identified by it. A GET request can take parameters from the client, which are then passed to the web application via the URL itself by appending a question mark ? followed by the parameters' names and values. As shown in the following header, when you send a search query for web penetration testing in the Bing search engine, it is sent via the URL:

The POST method

The POST method is similar to the GET method. It is used to retrieve data from the server, but it passes the content via the body of the request. Since the data is now passed in the body of the request, it becomes more difficult for an attacker to detect and attack the underlying operation. As shown in the following POST request, the username (login) and password (pwd) are not sent in the URL but rather in the body, which is separated from the header by a blank line:

The HEAD method

The HEAD method is identical to GET, except that the server does not include a message body in the response; that is, the response of a HEAD request is just the header of the response to a GET request.

The TRACE method

When a TRACE method is used, the receiving server bounces back the TRACE response with the original request message in the body of the response. The TRACE method is used to identify any alterations to the request by intermediary devices such as proxy servers and firewalls. Some proxy servers edit the HTTP header when the packets pass through it, and this can be identified using the TRACE method. It is used for testing purposes, as it lets you track what has been received by the other side.

The PUT and DELETE methods

The PUT and DELETE methods are part of WebDAV, which is an extension of the HTTP protocol and allows for the management of documents and files on a web server. It is used by developers to upload production-ready web pages onto the web server. PUT is used to upload data to the server whereas DELETE is used to remove it. In modern day applications, PUT and DELETE are also used in web services to perform specific operations on the database. PUT is used for insertion or modification of records and DELETE is used to delete, disable, or prevent future reading of pieces of information.

The OPTIONS method

The OPTIONS method is used to query the server for the communication options available to the requested URL. In the following header, we can see the response to an OPTIONS request:


Understanding the layout of the HTTP packet is really important, as it contains useful information and several of the fields can be controlled from the user end, giving the attacker a chance to inject malicious data or manipulate certain behavior of applications.

Keeping sessions in HTTP

HTTP is a stateless client-server protocol, where a client makes a request and the server responds with the data. The next request that comes is treated as an entirely new request, unrelated to the previous one. The design of HTTP requests is such that they are all independent of each other. When you add an item to your shopping cart while shopping online, the application needs a mechanism to tie the items to your account. Each application may use a different way to identify each session.

The most widely used technique to track sessions is through a session ID (identifier) set by the server. As soon as a user authenticates with a valid username and password, a unique random session ID is assigned to that user. On each request sent by the client, the unique session ID is included to tie the request to the authenticated user. The ID could be shared using the GET or POST method. When using the GET method, the session ID would become a part of the URL; when using the POST method, the ID is shared in the body of the HTTP message. The server maintains a table mapping usernames to the assigned session ID. The biggest advantage of assigning a session ID is that even though HTTP is stateless, the user is not required to authenticate every request; the browser would present the session ID and the server would accept it.

Session ID also has a drawback: anyone who gains access to the session ID could impersonate the user without requiring a username and password. Furthermore, the strength of the session ID depends on the degree of randomness used to generate it, which could help defeat brute force attacks.


In HTTP communication, a cookie is a single piece of information with name, value, and some behavior parameters stored by the server in the client's filesystem or web browser's memory. Cookies are the de facto standard mechanism through which the session ID is passed back and forth between the client and the web server. When using cookies, the server assigns the client a unique ID by setting the Set-Cookie field in the HTTP response header. When the client receives the header, it will store the value of the cookie; that is, the session ID within a local file or the browser's memory, and it will associate it with the website URL that sent it. When a user revisits the original website, the browser will send the cookie value across, identifying the user.

Besides session tracking, cookies can also be used to store preferences information for the end client, such as language and other configuration options that will persist among sessions.

Cookie flow between server and client

Cookies are always set and controlled by the server. The web browser is only responsible for sending them across to the server with every request. In the following diagram, you can see that a GET request is made to the server, and the web application on the server chooses to set some cookies to identify the user and the language selected by the user in previous requests. In subsequent requests made by the client, the cookie becomes part of the request:

Persistent and nonpersistent cookies

Cookies are divided into two main categories. Persistent cookies are stored on the client device's internal storage as text files. Since the cookie is stored on the hard drive, it would survive a browser crash or persist through various sessions. Different browsers will store persistent cookies differently. Internet Explorer, for example, saves cookies in text files inside the user's folder, AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookie, while Google Chrome uses a SQLite3 database also stored in the user's folder, AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\cookies. A cookie, as mentioned previously, can be used to pass sensitive information in the form of session ID, preferences, and shopping data among other types. If it's stored on the hard drive, it cannot be protected from modification by a malicious user.

To solve the security issues faced by persistent cookies, programmers came up with another kind of cookie that is used more often today, known as a nonpersistent cookie, which is stored in the memory of the web browser, leaves no traces on the hard drive, and is passed between the web browser and server via the request and response header. A nonpersistent cookie is only valid for a predefined time specified by the server.

Cookie parameters

In addition to the name and value of the cookie, there are several other parameters set by the web server that defines the reach and availability of the cookie, as shown in the following response header:

The following are details of some of the parameters:

  • Domain: This specifies the domain to which the cookie would be sent.
  • Path: To lock down the cookie further, the Path parameter can be specified. If the domain specified is and the path is set to /mail, the cookie would only be sent to the pages inside
  • HttpOnly: This is a parameter that is set to mitigate the risk posed by Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks, as JavaScript won't be able to access the cookie.
  • Secure: If this is set, the cookie must only be sent over secure communication channels, namely SSL and TLS.
  • Expires: The cookie will be stored until the time specified in this parameter.

HTML data in HTTP response

The data in the body of the response is the information that is of use to the end user. It usually contains HTML-formatted data, but it can also be JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or eXtensible Markup Language (XML) data, script code, or binary files such as images and videos. Only plaintext information was originally stored on the web, formatted in a way that was more appropriate for reading while being capable of including tables, images, and links to other documents. This was calledHypertext Markup Language (HTML), and the web browser was the tool meant to interpret it. HTML text is formatted using tags.


HTML is not a programming language.

The server-side code

Script code and HTML formatting are interpreted and presented by the web browser. This is called client-side code. The processes involved in retrieving the information requested by the client, session tracking, and most of the application's logic are executed in the server through the server-side code, written in languages such as PHP, ASP.NET, Java, Python, Ruby, and JSP. This code produces an output that can then be formatted using HTML. When you see a URL ending with a .php extension, it indicates that the page may contain PHP code. It then must run through the server's PHP engine, which allows dynamic content to be generated when the web page is loaded.

Multilayer web application

As more complex web applications are being used today, the traditional means of deploying web applications on a single system is a story from the past. Placing all of your eggs in one basket is not a clever way to deploy a business-critical application, as it severely affects the performance, security, and availability of the application. The simple design of a single server hosting the application, as well as data, works well only for small web applications with not much traffic. The three-layer method of designing web application is the way forward.

Three-layer web application design

In a three-layer web application, there is physical separation between the presentation, application, and data layer, which is described as follows:

  • Presentation layer: This is the server that receives the client connections and is the exit point through which the response is sent back to the client. It is the frontend of the application. The presentation layer is critical to the web application, as it is the interface between the user and the rest of the application. The data received at the presentation layer is passed to the components in the application layer for processing. The output received is formatted using HTML, and it is displayed on the web client of the user. Apache and nginx are open source software programs, and Microsoft IIS is commercial software that is deployed in the presentation layer.
  • Application layer: The processor-intensive processing and the main application's logic is taken care of in the application layer. Once the presentation layer collects the required data from the client and passes it to the application layer, the components working at this layer can apply business logic to the data. The output is then returned to the presentation layer to be sent back to the client. If the client requests data, it is extracted from the data layer, processed into a useful form for the client, and passed to the presentation layer. Java, Python, PHP, and ASP.NET are programming languages that work at the application layer.
  • Data access layer: The actual storage and the data repository works at the data access layer. When a client requires data or sends data for storage, it is passed down by the application layer to the data access layer for persistent storage. The components working at this layer are responsible for maintaining the data and keeping its integrity and availability. They are also responsible for managing concurrent connections from the application layer. MySQL and Microsoft SQL are two of the most commonly used technologies that work at this layer. Structured Query Language (SQL) relational databases are the most commonly used nowadays in web applications, although NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, CouchDB, and other NoSQL databases, which store information in a form different than the traditional row-column table format of relational databases, are also widely used, especially in Big Data Analysis applications. SQL is a data definition and query language that many database products support as a standard for retrieving and updating data.

The following diagram shows how the presentation, application, and data access layers work together:

Web services

Web services can be viewed as web applications that don't include a presentation layer. Service-oriented architecture allows a web service provider to integrate easily with the consumer of that service. Web services enable different applications to share data and functionality among themselves. They allow consumers to access data over the internet without the application knowing the format or the location of the data.

This becomes extremely critical when you don't want to expose the data model or the logic used to access the data, but you still want the data readily available for its consumers. An example would be a web service exposed by a stock exchange. Online brokers can use this web service to get real-time information about stocks and display it on their own websites, with their own presentation style and branding for purchase by end users. The broker's website only needs to call the service and request the data for a company. When the service replies back with the data, the web application can parse the information and display it.

Web services are platform independent. The stock exchange application can be written in any language, and the service can still be called regardless of the underlying technology used to build the application. The only thing the service provider and the consumer need to agree on are the rules for the exchange of the data.

There are currently two different ways to develop web services:

  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
  • Representational State Transfer (REST), also known as RESTful web services.

Introducing SOAP and REST web services

SOAP has been the traditional method for developing a web service, but it has many drawbacks, and applications are now moving over to REST or RESTful web service. XML is the only data exchange format available when using a SOAP web service, whereas REST web services can work with JSON and other data formats. Although SOAP-based web services are still recommended in some cases due to the extra security specifications, the lightweight REST web service is the preferred method of many web service developers due to its simplicity. SOAP is a protocol, whereas REST is an architectural style. Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Yahoo! have already moved over to REST web services.

Some of the features of REST web services are as follows:

  • They work really well with CRUD operations
  • They have better performance and scalability
  • They can handle multiple input and output formats
  • The smaller learning curve for developers connecting to web services
  • The REST design philosophy is similar to web applications


CRUD stands for create, read, update, and delete; it describes the four basic functions of persistent storage.

The major advantage that SOAP has over REST is that SOAP is transport independent, whereas REST works only over HTTP. REST is based on HTTP, and therefore the same vulnerabilities that affect a standard web application could be used against it. Fortunately, the same security best practices can be applied to secure the REST web service.

The complexity inherent in developing SOAP services where the XML data is wrapped in a SOAP request and then sent using HTTP forced many organizations to move to REST services. It also needed a Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) file, which provided information related to the service. A UDDI directory had to be maintained where the WSDL file is published.

The basic idea of a REST service is, rather than using a complicated mechanism such as SOAP, it directly communicates with the service provider over HTTP without the need for any additional protocol. It uses HTTP to create, read, update, and delete data.

A request sent by the consumer of a SOAP-based web service is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
xmlns:soap="" soap:encodingStyle="">
  <soap:body sp=""> 

On the other hand, a request sent to a REST web service could be as simple as this: 

The application uses a GET request to read data from the web service, which has low overhead and, unlike a long and complicated SOAP request, is easy for developers to code. While REST web services can also return data using XML, it is the rarely used-JSON that is the preferred method for returning data.

HTTP methods in web services

REST web services may treat HTTP methods differently than in a standard web application. This behavior depends on the developer's preferences, but it's becoming increasingly popular to correlate POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE methods to CRUD operations. The most common approach is as follows:

  • Create: POST
  • Read: GET
  • Update: PUT
  • Delete: DELETE

Some Application Programming Interface (API) implementations swap the PUT and POST functionalities.


Both XML and JSON are used by web services to represent structured sets of data or objects.

As discussed in previous sections, XML uses a syntax based on tags and properties, and values for those tags; for example, the File menu of an application, can be represented as follows:

<menu id="m_file" value="File"> 
    <item value="New" onclick="CreateDocument()" /> 
    <item value="Open" onclick="OpenDocument()" /> 
    <item value="Close" onclick="CloseDocument()" /> 

JSON, on the contrary, uses a more economic syntax resembling that of C and Java programming languages. The same menu in JSON format will be as follows:

{"menu": { 
  "id": "m_file", 
  "value": "File", 
  "popup": { 
    "item": [ 
      {"value": "New", "onclick": "NewDocument()"}, 
      {"value": "Open", "onclick": "OpenDocument()"}, 
      {"value": "Close", "onclick": "CloseDocument()"} 


Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is the combination of multiple existing web technologies, which let the client send requests and process responses in the background without a user's direct intervention. It also lets you relieve the server of some part of the application's logic processing tasks. AJAX allows you to communicate with the web server without the user explicitly making a new request in the web browser. This results in a faster response from the server, as parts of the web page can be updated separately and this improves the user experience. AJAX makes use of JavaScript to connect and retrieve information from the server without reloading the entire web page.

The following are some of the benefits of using AJAX:

  • Increased speed: The goal of using AJAX is to improve the performance of the web application. By updating individual form elements, minimum processing is required on the server, thereby improving performance. The responsiveness on the client side is also drastically improved.
  • User friendly: In an AJAX-based application, the user is not required to reload the entire page to refresh specific parts of the website. This makes the application more interactive and user friendly. It can also be used to perform real-time validation and autocompletion.
  • Asynchronous calls: AJAX-based applications are designed to make asynchronous calls to the web server, hence the name Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. This lets the user interact with the web page while a section of it is updated behind the scenes.
  • Reduced network utilization: By not performing a full-page refresh every time, network utilization is reduced. In a web application where large images, videos or dynamic content such as Java applets or Adobe Flash programs are loaded, use of AJAX can optimize network utilization.
Building blocks of AJAX

As mentioned previously, AJAX is a mixture of the common web technologies that are used to build a web application. The way the application is designed using these web technologies results in an AJAX-based application. The following are the components of AJAX:

  • JavaScript: The most important component of an AJAX-based application is the client-side JavaScript code. The JavaScript interacts with the web server in the background and processes the information before being displayed to the user. It uses the XMLHttpRequest (XHR) API to transfer data between the server and the client. XHR exists in the background, and the user is unaware of its existence.
  • Dynamic HTML (DHTML): Once the data is retrieved from the server and processed by the JavaScript, the elements of the web page need to be updated to reflect the response from the server. A perfect example would be when you enter a username while filling out an online form. The form is dynamically updated to reflect and inform the user if the username is already registered on the website. Using DHTML and JavaScript, you can update the page contents on the fly. DHTML was in existence long before AJAX. The major drawback of only using DHTML is that it is heavily dependent on the client-side code to update the page. Most of the time, you do not have everything loaded on the client side and you need to interact with the server-side code. This is where AJAX comes into play by creating a connection between the client-side code and the server-side code via the XHR objects. Before AJAX, you had to use JavaScript applets.
  • Document Object Model (DOM): A DOM is a framework used to organize elements in an HTML or XML document. It is a convention for representing and interacting with HTML objects. Logically, imagine that an HTML document is parsed as a tree, where each element is seen as a tree node and each node of the tree has its own attributes and events. For example, the body object of the HTML document will have a specific set of attributes such as text, link, bgcolor, and so on. Each object also has events. This model allows an interface for JavaScript to access and update the contents of the page dynamically using DHTML. DHTML is a browser function, and DOM acts as an interface to achieve it.
The AJAX workflow

The following image illustrates the interaction between the various components of an AJAX-based application. When compared against a traditional web application, the AJAX engine is the major addition. The additional layer of the AJAX engine acts as an intermediary for all of the requests and responses made through AJAX. The AJAX engine is the JavaScript interpreter:

The following is the workflow of a user interacting with an AJAX-based application. The user interface and the AJAX engine are the components on the client's web browser:

  1. The user types in the URL of the web page, and the browser sends a HTTP request to the server. The server processes the request and responds back with the HTML content, which is displayed by the browser through the web-rendering engine. In HTML, a web page is embedded in JavaScript code which is executed by the JavaScript interpreter when an event is encountered.
  2. When interacting with the web page, the user encounters an element that uses the embedded JavaScript code and triggers an event. An example would be the Google search page. As soon as the user starts entering a search query, the underlying AJAX engine intercepts the user's request. The AJAX engine forwards the request to the server via an HTTP request. This request is transparent to the user, and the user is not required to click explicitly on the submit button or refresh the entire page.
  3. On the server side, the application layer processes the request and returns the data back to the AJAX engine in JSON, HTML, or XML form. The AJAX engine forwards this data to the web-rendering engine to be displayed by the browser. The web browser uses DHTML to update only the selected section of the web page in order to reflect the new data.

Remember the following additional points when you encounter an AJAX-based application:

  • The XMLHttpRequest API does the magic behind the scenes. It is commonly referred to as XHR due to its long name. A JavaScript object named xmlhttp is first instantiated, and it is used to send and capture the response from the server. Browser support for XHR is required for AJAX to work. All of the recent versions of leading web browsers support this API.
  • The XML part of AJAX is a bit misleading. The application can use any format besides XML, such as JSON, plaintext, HTTP, or even images when exchanging data between the AJAX engine and the web server. JSON is the preferred format, as it is lightweight and can be turned into a JavaScript object, which further allows the script to access and manipulate the data easily.
  • Multiple asynchronous requests can happen concurrently without waiting for one request to finish.
  • Many developers use AJAX frameworks, which simplifies the task of designing the application. JQuery, Dojo Toolkit, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), and Microsoft AJAX library (.NET applications) are well-known frameworks.

An example for an AJAX request is as follows:

function loadfile() 
  //initiating the XMLHttpRequest object 
  var xmlhttp; 
  xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();   
    if (xmlHttp.readyState==4) 
  //GET method to get the links.txt file"GET", "links.txt", true); 

The function loadfile() first instantiates the xmlhttp object. It then uses this object to pull a text file from the server. When the text file is returned by the server, it displays the contents of the file. The file and its contents are loaded without user involvement, as shown in the preceding code snippet.


The fifth version of the HTML specification was first published in October 2014. This new version specifies APIs for media playback, drag and drop, web storage, editable content, geolocation, local SQL databases, cryptography, web sockets, and many others, which may become interesting from the security testing perspective as they open new paths for attacks or attempt to tackle some of the security concerns in previous HTML versions.


HTTP is a stateless protocol as noted previously. This means that a new connection is established for every request and closed after every response. An HTML5 WebSocket is a communication interface that allows for a permanent bidirectional connection between client and server.

A WebSocket is opened by the client through a GET request such as the following:

GET /chat HTTP/1.1 
Upgrade: websocket 
Connection: Upgrade 
Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JJHMbDL1EzLkh9GBhXDw== 
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat 
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 

If the server understands the request and accepts the connection, its response would be as follows:

HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols 
Upgrade: websocket 
Connection: Upgrade 
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: HSmrc0sMlYUkAGmm5OPpG2HaGWk= 
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat 

The HTTP connection is then replaced by the WebSocket connection, and it becomes a bidirectional binary protocol not necessarily compatible with HTTP.


This chapter served as an introduction to ethical hacking and penetration testing of web applications. We started by identifying different ways of testing web applications. We also discussed the important rules of engagements to be defined before starting a test. Next, we examined the importance of testing web applications in today's world, and the risks of not doing regular testing. We then briefly presented Kali Linux as a testing platform and finished with a quick review of the concepts and technologies in use by modern web applications.

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Key benefits

  • Know how to set up your lab with Kali Linux
  • Discover the core concepts of web penetration testing
  • Get the tools and techniques you need with Kali Linux


Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux - Third Edition shows you how to set up a lab, helps you understand the nature and mechanics of attacking websites, and explains classical attacks in great depth. This edition is heavily updated for the latest Kali Linux changes and the most recent attacks. Kali Linux shines when it comes to client-side attacks and fuzzing in particular. From the start of the book, you'll be given a thorough grounding in the concepts of hacking and penetration testing, and you'll see the tools used in Kali Linux that relate to web application hacking. You'll gain a deep understanding of classicalSQL, command-injection flaws, and the many ways to exploit these flaws. Web penetration testing also needs a general overview of client-side attacks, which is rounded out by a long discussion of scripting and input validation flaws. There is also an important chapter on cryptographic implementation flaws, where we discuss the most recent problems with cryptographic layers in the networking stack. The importance of these attacks cannot be overstated, and defending against them is relevant to most internet users and, of course, penetration testers. At the end of the book, you'll use an automated technique called fuzzing to identify flaws in a web application. Finally, you'll gain an understanding of web application vulnerabilities and the ways they can be exploited using the tools in Kali Linux.

What you will learn

• Learn how to set up your lab with Kali Linux • Understand the core concepts of web penetration testing • Get to know the tools and techniques you need to use with Kali Linux • Identify the difference between hacking a web application and network hacking • Expose vulnerabilities present in web servers and their applications using server-side attacks • Understand the different techniques used to identify the flavor of web applications • See standard attacks such as exploiting cross-site request forgery and cross-site scripting flaws • Get an overview of the art of client-side attacks • Explore automated attacks such as fuzzing web applications
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Publication date : Feb 28, 2018
Length 426 pages
Edition : 3rd Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781788623377
Vendor :
Offensive Security
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Table of Contents

19 Chapters
Title Page Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Copyright and Credits Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Dedication Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Packt Upsell Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Contributors Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Introduction to Penetration Testing and Web Applications Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Setting Up Your Lab with Kali Linux Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Reconnaissance and Profiling the Web Server Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. Authentication and Session Management Flaws Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Detecting and Exploiting Injection-Based Flaws Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Finding and Exploiting Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Vulnerabilities Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Cross-Site Request Forgery, Identification, and Exploitation Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Attacking Flaws in Cryptographic Implementations Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. AJAX, HTML5, and Client-Side Attacks Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. Other Common Security Flaws in Web Applications Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
11. Using Automated Scanners on Web Applications Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. Other Books You May Enjoy Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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