Searching, examining, and taking action on pledges
When compared to contributions, fewer options related to pledge management are available. As described earlier, a pledge is a collection of contribution records (pledge payments) defined by the encompassing pledge options.
Searching pledges
To search for pledges, click on Search | Find Pledges or Contributions | Pledges | Find Pledges. The following criteria are available when searching pledges. We will note any particularly useful, interesting, or possibly unexpected behavior when using the criteria:
Pledger Name or Email: Search using a partial string for the pledger name or e-mail.
Payment Scheduled – From and To: Enter a range, or just a start or end date. Like other fields, not entering a value here will return records regardless of the value in this field.
Pledge Payment Status: One or more of Completed, Pending, Cancelled, Overdue.
Pledge Amounts – From and To: These amount ranges are inclusive—it will include pledge amounts equal to...