Understanding audio
As with other assets, the Unity team has worked hard to make working with audio easy and pain-free. Unity is capable of importing and utilizing a broad range of audio formats, allowing you to keep your files in a format that you can edit in another program.
Import settings
Audio clips have a small assortment of important settings. They let you easily control the type and compression of files.

The following are the settings that we have to work with while importing audio clips:
- Audio Format: This controls whether the file is included in the Native format or is Compressed in the final game. Native, though larger in file size, is best for short sound effects because they can be loaded and played quickly. Compressed is better for longer sounds and music. They will have a smaller footprint in the final build.
- 3D Sound: This checkbox controls whether the file will be played in 2D or 3D. 2D sounds will be played at a constant volume no matter where the player is located—...