Other ScrumMaster characteristics
Maybe we're very proactive, and the team knows that they can count on us. Maybe we're not very knowledgeable about a topic and thus lose credibility. Let's explore some additional attributes that will help you develop your ScrumMaster style and become a better everyday leader.
Procrastinator or proactive
Proactivity means that you think ahead in order to plan an approach or anticipate a response or set of actions. Proactivity was wonderfully displayed in the note that the twin babies on the plane wrote in order to gain sensitivity and an overall better experience for everyone. A team will know when you're proactive: maybe the sprint planning meeting was exquisitely set up so that all the team members had to do was think and do their very best at planning. Perhaps it is Pratesh's birthday next week, so you reserve a table at the restaurant down the street for the whole team. Maybe you research some Agile testing tools to bring up at the retrospective for team...