Chapter 3. Enhancing Applications
In this chapter, we will focus on enhancing your App with branding elements, workflows, event types, tags, macros, data models, and more. None of these items are a strict requirement. However, they will definitely increase your appeal to end users and customers alike. Choosing elements that are memorable will cement your App in the minds of your users and will make your App shine. We will start with working with your data, and then move on from there to presenting your App with custom logos, navigation, CSS overrides, and other stock modifications of the SimpleXML dashboards. We will end this chapter by seeing how to use Splunk acceleration technologies and methods to speed up searches in large datasets. As we move into working with actual data, we will be using example data and real data. Some of the data here was consumed from the website. They have an API, and the data was collected every five minutes using a scripted input...