Adding replicas after collection creation
Replicas are copies of the primary shard. They are very useful when it comes to handing performance issues—for example, if your current cluster can't keep up with queries, you can add new nodes and increase the number of replicas. This way, more Solr servers can serve queries and each of them will have fewer queries to process. In this recipe, we will learn how to add new shards to already created collections.
Getting ready
Before reading further, I advise you to read the Creating a new SolrCloud cluster and Having more than a single shard from a collection on a node recipes of this chapter. These recipes will show you how to create a new SolrCloud cluster and a collection. We also assume that ZooKeeper is running on
and is listening on port 2181
. We already have the configuration called firstcollection
stored in ZooKeeper and we already have four SolrCloud nodes running as a cluster.
How to do it...
Let's start by creating a sample collection...