Introducing autonomous systems
An autonomous system is a system that performs something automatically by self-learning. In traditional systems, we define a to-do list on the system. Then, the system runs and performs something in accordance with its to-do list. In terms of an autonomous system, we can make a system learn itself.
In the field of robot study, there are two basic problems in autonomous robotic systems:
The path- and motion-planning problem
The motion control problem
The path- and motion-planning problem describes which path is taken by the robot to move from one point to another point. In robot movement, the robot can move with or without a map. The motion control problem shows how our robot moves. It can be a maze or a zigzag from one point to another point.
In general, an autonomous system architecture can be designed as shown in the following figure:

Source image: Meystel, A.: Intelligent Control: A Sketch of the Theory, 1. Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 2, 1989, pp. 97...