The notice hierarchy
The notice hierarchy is a term I think I've made up on the spot. But, wherever it comes from, it's not a bad way to describe something you've probably experienced: If you walk into a room, there are certain things you'll notice first. If these things are missing, you'll notice something else first, and so on. Here's my take on the order of the "notice hierarchy":
This might not be entirely accurate, and the order may vary from person to person. What's interesting though is that you can choose exactly where the viewer (the client) looks for his first impression. We all know that first impressions count, right?
So, what would you like your multibillionaire client to see first when showing them their new apartment development?
A smiling, relaxed young couple
A toaster
It's all about transporting the viewer into the image you've created. So, when you show people inhabiting the space in the same way in which the client would wish to,...