Let's put it together
Now that you've got the skills to create animated scenes in SketchUp, it's time to put it all together. Using the skills you have learned, render out a couple more simple animated camera shots. Refer to Chapter 3, Composing the Scene, to get some more ideas on viewpoints and camera focal settings. I'm trying the following with our city scene:
Travel along the bridge approaching the city:
Top-down flyover emphasizing the height of buildings:
Slow travel along a road looking up at the sky:
Some close up shots:
Moving shadows or night shots:
Free-fall spinning camera:
Different SketchUp styles (Monochrome, Sketchy, Blueprint, and so on):
All this will then be mixed in with the main flythrough sequence. The beauty of this is that the audience gets a constantly fresh, changing perspective, rather than a monotonous flyover. These scenes are interspersed to create this variety. They're also used to mask over the bits of your flythrough that you don't particularly want to see.