Chapter 6: React with Rematch – The Best Couple – Part II
In this chapter, we'll complete the work that we started in the previous chapter, where we analyzed the mockups and transformed those requirements into a complete web shop application using Tailwind and React, but the application didn't have any interactivity. In this chapter, we'll be able to list products within an infinite scrolling list calling to an external API, add them to a shopping cart, and create a favorite system where the user can add products to a favorites list.
In this chapter, we'll cover the following topics:
- Creating the shop business logic
- Binding components with business logic
By the end of the chapter, you'll be able to create any application with side effects, call any API remotely, and treat this data to create business logic and inject it into isolated components with a design system such as Tailwind. We'll see how we can build our application...