Preparing the environment
Redux can be used in practically any user interface layer that exists. To start this chapter, we'll build a simple to-do app with Vanilla JavaScript; that means that we'll use plain JavaScript without any additional libraries such as React or jQuery.
In this chapter, we won't need any bundlers such as Webpack. Webpack is a module bundler, which means its main purpose is bundling all of your JavaScript files, style files, and assets to make static assets that can be served directly, for instance, static HTML files. We will need Webpack in the following chapters to make React work with Redux and some external libraries. Using Webpack to bundle websites is commonplace in real-world apps, but for this introduction to Redux, we can explain things without it.
Redux ships Universal Module Definition (UMD) builds. This means that all the code provided by Redux in the distributable package will work on both frontend and backend environments. On...