Chapter 4: Fun with Gardening!
In this chapter, we will discuss interfacing a soil sensor to a Raspberry Pi Pico and publishing the soil moisture and temperature values to ThingSpeak (, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform that enables you to visualize collected data. By the end of this chapter, you should be able to build something like this:
Figure 4.1 – Fun with gardening
In the preceding photo, a STEMMA soil sensor from Adafruit Industries is inserted next to a small potted plant. The soil sensor is interfaced to a Raspberry Pi Pico. The Pico is mounted onto a Dual Expander pack. A Pico wireless pack is interfaced to the left of the Pico for uploading soil moisture values to ThingSpeak.
We are going to discuss the following topics in this chapter:
- Why gardening?
- Installing the requisite libraries
- Setting up the soil sensor
- Setting up the wireless pack
- Setting up the NeoPixel light-emitting diode ...