Part 3:
Natural Language Processing and Transformers
We’ll start this part with an introduction to natural language processing, which will serve as a backdrop for our discussion on recurrent networks and transformers. Transformers will be the main focus of this section because they represent one of the most significant deep learning advances in recent years. They are the foundation of large language models (LLM), such as ChatGPT. We’ll discuss their architecture and their core element – the attention mechanism. Then, we’ll discuss the properties of LLMs. Finally, we’ll focus on some advanced LLM applications, such as text and image generation, and learn how to build LLM-centered applications.
This part has the following chapters:
- Chapter 6, Natural Language Processing and Recurrent Neural Networks
- Chapter 7, The Attention Mechanism and Transformers
- Chapter 8, Exploring Large Language Models in Depth
- Chapter 9, Advanced...