Man does not live by bread alone, so it would behave you to learn additional tools in addition to R, so as to advance your analytic skills:
- SQL: SQL is a valuable tool to know, regardless of which language/package/environment you choose to work in. Virtually every analytics tool will have a SQL interface, and knowledge of how to optimize SQL queries will definitely speed up your productivity, especially if you are doing a lot of data extraction directly from a SQL database. Today's common thought is to do as much pre-processing as possible within the database, so if you will be doing a lot of extracting from databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or Teradata, it will be a good thing to learn how queries are optimized within their native framework.
In the R language, there are several SQL packages that are useful for interfacing with various external databases. We will be using sqldf, which is a popular R package for interfacing with R dataframes. There are other packages that are specifically tailored for the specific database you will be working with. - Web extraction tools: Not every data source will originate from a data warehouse. Knowledge of APIs that extract data from the internet will be valuable to know. Some popular tools include Curl and Jsonlite.
- Spreadsheets: Despite their problems, spreadsheets are often the fastest way to do quick data analysis and, more importantly, enable you to share your results with others! R offers several interfaces to spreadsheets but, again, learning standalone spreadsheet skills such as pivot tables and Virtual Basic for applications will give you an advantage if you work for corporations in which these skills are heavily used.
- Data visualization tools: Data visualization tools are great for adding impact to an analysis, and for concisely encapsulating complex information. Native R visualization tools are great, but not every company will be using R. Learn some third-party visualization tools such as D3.js, Google Charts, Qlikview, or Tableau.
- Big data, Spark, Hadoop, NoSQL database: It is becoming increasingly important to know a little bit about these technologies, at least from the viewpoint of having to extract and analyze data that resides within these frameworks. Many software packages have APIs that talk directly to Hadoop and can run predictive analytics directly within the native environment, or extract data and perform the analytics locally.