The Puppet master and Puppet agents
Puppet is a deployment solution that is very popular in larger organizations and is one of the first systems of its kind.
Puppet consists of a client/server solution, where the client nodes check in regularly with the Puppet server to see if anything needs to be updated in the local configuration.
The Puppet server is called a Puppet master, and there is a lot of similar wordplay in the names chosen for the various Puppet components.
Puppet provides a lot of flexibility in handling the complexity of a server farm, and as such, the tool itself is pretty complex.
This is an example scenario of a dialogue between a Puppet client and a Puppet master:
- The Puppet client decides that it's time to check in with the Puppet master to discover any new configuration changes. This can be due to a timer or manual intervention by an operator at the client. The dialogue between the Puppet client and master is normally encrypted using SSL.
- The Puppet client presents its...