What anti-patterns are and how to identify them
One might define an anti-pattern as the exact opposite of a good design pattern or good practice. Though that might seem like the bottom line, it ignores the context and sequence of actions that led to a software practice being called an anti-pattern. In other words, it does not explain why an anti-pattern is a collection of highly risky, ineffective, and counterproductive steps. It is important to understand these steps as they allow creating a repeatable process to obtain a similar result, just to verify the ambiguity. The bottom line is that these steps may limit the ability to productively address the issues. Let us dive a bit deeper into the theory.
Theoretical principles challenges
Anti-patterns can naturally appear during software development due to multiple reasons. They may be due to a shift in business logic, technology migration, or missing information. The fact remains that anti-patterns do occur and, simply put, can...