Chapter 8: Building and Testing Your Cloud-Native Application
In the previous chapters, we've looked at various MicroProfile technologies in isolation. Now, let's come back to our example application, the IBM Stock Trader, first introduced in Chapter 3, Introducing the IBM Stock Trader Cloud-Native Application, to see those in use across various microservices. In this chapter, we'll focus on how to build those microservices, how to construct the container image for each and push them to an image registry, how to unit test them, and the usage of various MicroProfile features.
In this chapter, we're going to cover the following main topics:
- Compiling the Stock Trader microservices
- Building the Stock Trader container images
- Testing the Stock Trader microservices
- Stock Trader usage of MicroProfile
By the end of this chapter, you will be familiar with how to build the various pieces of such a cloud-native application, how to try out each...