Adding tables to a minischema
In this recipe, we will add two new tables to your data source and minischema. We will begin this recipe by adding tables to your relational data source. Then, you will use incremental updates to add the two tables to your data source in Essbase Studio. Finally, we are going to add the tables to the minischema. This task would be easier if the tables already existed in your data source in Essbase Studio, but in real-world applications this is normally the order in which these changes take place.
Getting ready
Open your SQL Server Management Studio and open the TBC
database. If you have not created the database, then see the recipe Creating TBC database and connecting to the data source in this chapter. The example is done using T-SQL, but the PL-SQL equivalent for the examples is as follows.
How to do it…
In SQL Server Management Studio, click on File | Open File… to open the
file included within this chapter for T-SQL, and click on...