Utilizing static files caching
As was mentioned in Chapter 3, while discussing where to store our external CSS or JavaScript files, APEX 3.1 introduced the use of a new set of HTTP Header parameters, allowing the Web browser to also cache static files that were uploaded into the database.
These parameters will not necessarily be available to us through the (OHS) mod_plsql DAD, and most likely will not be available through the EPG DAD. In order to be sure, we should define them ourselves.
If you are using OHS, enter the following into your DAD, and restart the OHS:
PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList IF_MODIFIED_SINCE
If you are using EPG, you should run the following in SQL*Plus, connected as "SYS as SYSDBA":
BEGIN DBMS_EPG.SET_DAD_ATTRIBUTE ( dad_name => 'APEX', attr_name => 'cgi-environment-list', attr_value => 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' ); DBMS_EPG.SET_DAD_ATTRIBUTE ( dad_name => 'APEX', attr_name => 'cgi-environment-list', attr_value => 'IF_MODIFIED_SINCE' ); END; /