HTML5 is the new industry standard for formatting web pages. Its predecessor HTML 4.0 has been around since December 1997, so a new version has been long overdue.
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the language in which all of the World Wide Web speaks to browsers like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and so on. Because HTML is a standard enforced by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), all browsers have agreed to handle HTML code in roughly the same manner.

Because Application Express also generates HTML, this development also brings new opportunities to use in APEX applications.
Despite HTML5 still being in draft at the time of writing this, most of the browsers and many websites already support and use the new features that HTML5 brings. These features include things like new tags and item types and many others.
Also available in APEX is support for the third version of Cascading Style Sheets, better known as CSS3. CSS supports the separation of content and...