- * (asterisk), MySQL statements
- about / * (asterisk)
- access, granting in MySQL
- about / GRANT access in MySQL
- GRANT statement / The GRANT statement in MySQL
- GRANT, using with REQUIRE clause / Using REQUIREments of access
- WITH clause, using / Using a WITH clause
- ADDDATE() function / Date and time functions
- ADDTIME() function / Date and time functions
- add_option() method / Specifying the search term from the command-line
- about / ENGINE
- AVG() function
- about / AVG()
- mean / Mean
- median / Median
- mode / Mode
- backup method
- selecting / Choosing a backup method
- table files, copying / Copying the table files
- delimited backups / Delimited backups within MySQL
- archiving from command line / Archiving from the command line
- bad apples project
- about / Project: Bad apples
- connection() function / Project: Bad apples
- sendmail() function / Project: Bad apples
- preamble / The preamble
- connection, making / Making the connection
- error messages, sending / Sending error messages
- main() function / The main() thing
- basic menu, web-based administration project
- authorization details / Authorization details
- operational sections / Three operational sections of the dialogue
- variables / The variables
- about / ENGINE
- calculations, in MySQL
- about / Calculations in MySQL
- functions, used / Calculations in MySQL
- COUNT() function / COUNT()
- SUM() function / SUM()
- MAX() function / MAX()
- MIN() function / MIN()
- AVG() function / AVG()
- capitalise() function
- about / Capitalise()
- function definition / The function definition
- calling / Calling the function
- defining, in Python / Defining the function in Python
- defining, as Python value / Defining the function as a Python value
- MySQL function, sourcing as Python module / Sourcing the MySQL function as a Python module
- sourcing, as MySQL code / Sourcing the function as MySQL code
- close command
- about / In need of some closure
- collation / Specifying the collation for a database
- command-line insertion utility
- about / Project: A command-line insertion utility
- modules, required / The necessary modules
- main() function / The main() thing
- other functions, coding / Coding the other functions
- main(), calling / Calling main()
- command-line programs
- mysqldump / mysqldump
- mysqlhotcopy / mysqlhotcopy
- command-line search utility
- about / Project: A command-line search utility
- database, preparing for search / Preparing a database for searching
- work plan, implementing / Planning your work, then working your plan, Develop a well-abstracted search functionality
- work, planning / Planning your work, then working your plan
- search term, specifying / Specifying the search term from the command-line
- -o funtion, implementing / Implementing and incorporating the other functions: -t, -f, and -o
- -f funtion, implementing / Implementing and incorporating the other functions: -t, -f, and -o
- -t funtion, implementing / Implementing and incorporating the other functions: -t, -f, and -o
- output file option, including / Including an option for an output file
- commit command
- about / What happened to commit?
- commit method / Closing the connection
- Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) / Why errors and warnings are good for you
- computing resources
- about / Computing resources
- local resources / Local resources
- web applications / Web applications
- CONCAT() function
- about / CONCAT() function
- connect() function / Creating a connection object
- Connect() function / MySQLdb
- connect() method / The log framework
- Connect function / MySQLdb
- Connection() function / MySQLdb
- connection() function, web-based administration project
- code / Connecting with a database
- CONVERT_TZ() function / Date and time functions
- COUNT() function
- about / COUNT()
- creating custom functions project
- about / Project: Creating your own functions
- Hello() function, creating / Hello()
- capitalise() function, creating / Capitalise()
- CROSS joins / CROSS joins
- about / A brief introduction to CRUD
- about / ENGINE
- CSV file
- about / Project: Converting a CSV file to a MySQL table
- CSV file to MySQL table conversion project
- about / Project: Converting a CSV file to a MySQL table
- preamble / The preamble
- options / The options
- connection object, creating / Defining the connection
- convert, creating / Creating convert
- main() function / The main() function
- main() function, calling / Calling main()
- CURDATE() function / Date and time functions, CURDATE()
- CURRENT_DATE() function / Date and time functions
- CURRENT_TIME() function / Date and time functions
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() function / Date and time functions
- cursor() method / Creating a cursor object
- Cursor.executemany() method / executemany(): multiple SELECT statements
- CURTIME() function / Date and time functions, CURTIME()
- customized exception handling
- about / Customizing for catching
- one type of exception, catching / Catching one type of exception
- different exceptions, catching / Catching different exceptions
- combined catching / Combined catching of exceptions
- different exceptions, handling / Raising different exceptions
- data, inserting through MySQL
- about / Passing an insertion through MySQL for Python
- preliminaries, setting up / Setting up the preliminaries
- simple INSERT statement / A simple INSERT statement
- complex INSERT commands / More complex INSERT commands
- database characteristics
- determining / Determining characteristics of a database and its tables
- tables, determining / Determining what tables exist
- table number, assigning / Assigning each table a number
- options, offering to user / Offering the options to the user
- detail search query, allowing / Allowing the user to detail a search query
- database class
- building / Project: Building a database class
- writing / Writing the class
- fetchquery() method, defining / Defining fetchquery() and some core methods
- table structure, retrieving / Retrieving table status and structure
- table status, retrieving / Retrieving table status and structure
- CREATE statements, retrieving / Retrieving the CREATE statements
- main() function, defining / Define main()—part 1
- resproc() method, writing / Writing resproc()
- variables / Modules and variables
- modules / Modules and variables
- login and USE statements / Login and USE
- database connection, through MySQL for Python
- creating / Connecting with a database
- connection object, creating / Creating a connection object
- cursor object, creating / Creating a cursor object
- database, interacting with / Interacting with the database
- connection, closing / Closing the connection
- DatabaseError
- about / DatabaseError
- database metadata
- accessing / Accessing database metadata
- USE command, using / Using the USE command
- table-oriented operations / Accessing metadata about tables
- databases, creating in MySQL
- about / Creating databases, Test first, create second
- specifications, creating / CREATE specifications
- default character set, specifying / Specifying the default character set
- collation, specifying / Specifying the collation for a database
- collation, declaring / Declaring collation
- default collations, finding / Finding available character sets and collations
- character sets, finding / Finding available character sets and collations
- databases, creating with MySQLdb
- about / Creating databases with MySQLdb
- output, testing / Testing the output
- CREATE statement, configuring / Dynamically configuring the CREATE statement
- databases, deleting in MySQL
- about / Removing or deleting databases
- errors, avoiding / Avoiding errors
- database, dropping / Preventing (illegal) access after a DROP
- DataError
- about / DataError
- data piecemeal retrieval
- MySQL used / How?
- fetchone() method / The fetchone() method
- fetchmany() method / The fetchmany() method
- data receiving, web-based administration project
- CGI, used / Using CGI
- PHP, used / Using PHP
- data types, MySQL
- TIME / Date and time data types in MySQL, TIME
- TIMESTAMP / Date and time data types in MySQL, TIMESTAMP
- DATE / Date and time data types in MySQL, DATE
- DATETIME / Date and time data types in MySQL, DATETIME
- YEAR / Date and time data types in MySQL, YEAR
- DATE() function / Date and time functions, DATE()
- date and time-related functions, MySQL
- about / Date and time functions
- ADDDATE() / Date and time functions
- ADDTIME() / Date and time functions
- CONVERT_TZ() / Date and time functions
- CURDATE() / Date and time functions, CURDATE()
- CURRENT_DATE() / Date and time functions
- CURRENT_TIME() / Date and time functions
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() / Date and time functions
- CURTIME() / Date and time functions, CURTIME()
- DATE_ADD() / Date and time functions
- DATE_FORMAT() / Date and time functions
- DATE_SUB() / Date and time functions
- DATE() / Date and time functions, DATE()
- DATEDIFF() / Date and time functions, DATEDIFF()
- DAY() / Date and time functions
- DAYNAME() / Date and time functions
- DAYOFMONTH() / Date and time functions
- DAYOFWEEK() / Date and time functions
- DAYOFYEAR() / Date and time functions
- EXTRACT / Date and time functions
- FROM_DAYS() / Date and time functions
- FROM_UNIXTIME() / Date and time functions
- GET_FORMAT() / Date and time functions
- HOUR() / Date and time functions
- LAST_DAY / Date and time functions
- LOCALTIME() / Date and time functions
- LOCALTIMESTAMP() / Date and time functions
- MAKEDATE() / Date and time functions
- MAKETIME() / Date and time functions
- MICROSECOND() / Date and time functions
- MINUTE() / Date and time functions
- MONTH() / Date and time functions
- MONTHNAME() / Date and time functions
- NOW() / Date and time functions
- PERIOD_ADD() / Date and time functions
- PERIOD_DIFF() / Date and time functions
- QUARTER() / Date and time functions
- SEC_TO_TIME() / Date and time functions
- SECOND() / Date and time functions
- STR_TO_DATE() / Date and time functions
- SUBDATE() / Date and time functions
- SUBTIME() / Date and time functions
- SYSDATE() / Date and time functions
- TIME_FORMAT() / Date and time functions
- TIME_TO_SEC() / Date and time functions
- TIME() / Date and time functions, TIME()
- TIMEDIFF() / Date and time functions
- TIMESTAMP() / Date and time functions
- TIMESTAMPADD() / Date and time functions
- TIMESTAMPDIFF() / Date and time functions
- TO_DAYS() / Date and time functions
- TO_SECONDS() / Date and time functions
- UNIX_TIMESTAMP() / Date and time functions
- UTC_DATE() / Date and time functions
- UTC_TIME() / Date and time functions
- UTC_TIMESTAMP() / Date and time functions
- WEEK() / Date and time functions
- WEEKDAY() / Date and time functions
- WEEKOFYEAR() / Date and time functions
- YEAR() / Date and time functions
- YEARWEEK() / Date and time functions
- NOW() function / NOW()
- DATE data type, MySQL
- about / DATE
- output formats / Output and Input formats
- input range / Input range
- DATEDIFF() function / Date and time functions, DATEDIFF()
- DATETIME data type, MySQL
- about / DATETIME
- output format / Output format
- input formats / Input formats
- input range / Input range
- using, in CREATE statement / Using DATETIME in a CREATE statement
- DATE_ADD() function / Date and time functions, DATE_SUB() and DATE_ADD()
- DATE_FORMAT() function / Date and time functions, DATE_FORMAT()
- DATE_SUB() function / Date and time functions, DATE_SUB() and DATE_ADD()
- DAY() function / Date and time functions
- DAYNAME() function / Date and time functions
- DAYOFMONTH() function / Date and time functions
- DAYOFWEEK() function / Date and time functions
- DAYOFYEAR() function / Date and time functions
- dbaction() function / Planning the functions
- dbaction() function, web-based administration project
- code / Database action
- DBAPISet / MySQLdb
- Debian package manager
- about / Using apt tools on Debian-like systems
- delimited backups
- about / Delimited backups within MySQL
- SELECT INTO OUTFILE, using to export data / Using SELECT INTO OUTFILE to export data
- LOAD DATA INFILE, using to import data / Using LOAD DATA INFILE to import data
- DISTINCT function
- about / DISTINCT
- dropdb() function / Planning the functions
- Easy Install
- about / Installing egg handling software
- easy_install tool
- about / Using a package manager (Linux)
- egg-info directory / Installing MySQL for Python from an egg file
- egg file
- about / Using an egg file
- egg handling software
- installing / Installing egg handling software
- end-of-request signal / Web applications
- engine
- specifying / Specifying the engine
- ENGINE command
- about / ENGINE
- ENGINE status
- about / ENGINE status
- errors
- benefits / Why errors and warnings are good for you
- versus, warnings / Errors versus warnings: There's a big difference
- error types
- DataError / DataError
- IntegrityError / IntegrityError
- InternalError / InternalError
- NotSupportedError / NotSupportedError
- OperationalError / OperationalError
- ProgrammingError / ProgrammingError
- exceptions handling
- about / Handling exceptions passed from MySQL
- Python exception-handling / Python exception-handling
- exception, catching from MySQLdb / Catching an exception from MySQLdb
- error or warning, raising / Raising an error or a warning
- exceptions, making less intimidating / Making exceptions less intimidating
- execute() function / Planning the functions, Ensure logging occurs
- execute() function, web-based administration project
- code / execute()
- execute() method / A simple SELECT statement, Project: Bad apples
- executemany() method
- about / Introducing the executemany() method
- basic syntax / executemany(): Basic syntax
- multiple INSERT statements / executemany(): Multiple INSERT statements
- multiple SELECT statements / executemany(): multiple SELECT statements
- process / executemany(): Behind the scenes
- underlying code / executemany(): Behind the scenes
- command-line option configuration / Command-line option configuration
- configuration file, using / Using a configuration file
- 16 MB required / More than 16 MB is often unnecessary
- EXTRACT function / Date and time functions, EXTRACT()
- about / ENGINE
- feedback loop
- creating / Creating a feedback loop
- fetchall() / Querying the database for its structure
- fetchall() method / A simple SELECT statement
- fetchmany() method
- about / The fetchmany() method
- fetchone() method
- about / The fetchone() method
- Filemaker Pro / Local resources
- files, copying from MySQL
- about / Copying the table files
- locking / Locking and flushing
- FLUSH command / FLUSH
- tables, unlocking / Unlocking the tables
- data, restoring / Restoring the data
- first-in first-out (FIFO) queue system / Web applications
- for loop
- about / The for loop
- form() method / Project: Bad apples
- FORMAT() function
- about / FORMAT()
- FROM, MySQL statements
- about / FROM
- FROM_DAYS() function / Date and time functions
- FROM_UNIXTIME() function / Date and time functions
- function codes, web-based administration project
- connecting without a database / Connecting without a database
- connecting with a database / Connecting with a database
- database action / Database action
- table action / Table action
- query action / Query action
- execute() / execute()
- generators
- about / Generators
- creating, fetchone() used / Using fetchone() in a generator
- fetchmany(), using / Using fetchmany() in a generator
- getopt module / Specifying the search term from the command-line
- GET_FORMAT() function / Date and time functions
- GROUP BY, MySQL statements
- about / GROUP BY
- GROUP BY clause
- about / GROUP BY
- GROUP_CONCAT() function
- working / GROUP_CONCAT()
- about / GROUP_CONCAT()
- delimiter, specifying / Specifying the delimiter
- maximum length, customizing / Customizing the maximum length
- using, with DISTINCT / Using GROUP_CONCAT() with DISTINCT
- HAVING, MySQL statements
- about / HAVING
- HAVING clause
- about / HAVING clause
- subqueries / Subqueries
- unions / Unions
- joins / Joins
- HAVING implementation
- about / Project: Implement HAVING , RHAVING implementationaboutevising the Python backend
- Python backend, revising / RHAVING implementationaboutevising the Python backend
- qaction() function, revising / Revising qaction()
- main() function, revising / Revising main()
- options, revising / Revising the options
- HTML interface, revising / Revising the HTML interface
- Hello() function
- creating / Hello()
- help() function / Accessing online help when you need it, Specifying the search term from the command-line
- HOUR() function / Date and time functions
- HTML output, web-based administration project
- about / The HTML output
- definition / Basic definition
- message attribute / The message attribute
- header() method, defining / Defining header()
- footer() method, defining / Defining footer()
- body() method, defining / Defining body()
- page() method, defining / Defining page()
- HTTP persistent connections / Web applications
- about / ENGINE
- incorporating aggregate functions project
- about / Project: Incorporating aggregate functions
- qaction() function, adding / Adding to qaction()
- main() function, revising / Revising main()
- options, setting up / Setting up the options
- HTML form, changing / Changing the HTML form
- INNER joins / INNER joins
- InnoDB
- about / ENGINE
- INSERT() function
- about / INSERT()
- insertion values, changing
- about / Changing insertion values dynamically
- name value, validating / Validating the value of name
- price value, validating / Validating the value of price
- user, querying / Querying the user for a correction
- fish and price, passing for validation / Passing fish and price for validation
- INSERT statement, processing ways
- about / Helpful ways to nuance an INSERT statement
- INSTR() function
- about / INSTR()
- int() function / Querying the database for its structure
- IntegrityError
- about / IntegrityError
- InterfaceError
- about / InterfaceError
- InternalError
- about / InternalError
- INTO OUTFILE, MySQL statements
- about / INTO OUTFILE
- isdigit() method / Querying the database for its structure
- iterate
- drawbacks / Why not iterate?
- iteration
- about / Iteration: What is it?
- iterative loops
- generating / Generating loops
- while...if loops / while...if loops
- for loop / The for loop
- iterators
- about / Iterators
- function / Illustrative iteration
- joins, HAVING clause
- about / Joins
- RIGHT joins / LEFT and RIGHT joins
- LEFT joins / LEFT and RIGHT joins
- OUTER joins / OUTER joins
- INNER joins / INNER joins
- NATURAL joins / NATURAL joins
- CROSS joins / CROSS joins
- LAST_DAY function / Date and time functions
- LEFT joins / LEFT and RIGHT joins
- len() function / Querying the database for its structure
- LENGTH() function
- about / LENGTH()
- LIMIT, MySQL statements
- about / LIMIT
- limitations, iterate
- prime numbers generation, test sample / A test sample: Generating primes
- test sample / A test sample: Generating primes
- execution speeds, comparing / Comparing execution speeds
- limitations, MySQL script
- lack of automation / Lack of automation
- unscheduled debugging process / Debugging the process
- inefficient I/O / Inefficient I/O
- live backups
- about / Live backups
- LOCALTIME() function / Date and time functions
- LOCALTIMESTAMP() function / Date and time functions
- LOCATE() function
- about / LOCATE()
- logdb / The log framework
- logging user activity project
- about / Project: Logging user activity, The log framework, The logger() function
- database, creating / Creating the database
- table, creating / Creating the table
- INSERT statement, forming / Forming the INSERT statement, Ensure logging occurs
- LOWER() function
- about / LOWER()
- main() function, bad apples project
- about / The main() thing
- actions / Try, try again
- main() function, command-line insertion utility
- about / The main() thing
- flag system, coding / Coding the flag system
- values, testing / Testing the values passed by the user
- database connection, establishing / Try to establish a database connection
- tables, displaying / Showing the tables
- tables structure, displaying / Showing the table structure, if desired
- user input, accepting / Accepting user input for the INSERT statement
- INSERT statement, building / Building the INSERT statement from the user input and executing it
- connection, closing / Committing changes and closing the connection
- changes, committing / Committing changes and closing the connection
- calling / Calling main()
- main function, movie database project
- about / The main() thing
- calling / Calling main()
- MAKEDATE() function / Date and time functions
- MAKETIME() function / Date and time functions
- MAX() function
- about / MAX()
- about / ENGINE
- about / ENGINE
- metacharacters, MySQL
- . / * (asterisk)
- ? / * (asterisk)
- * / * (asterisk)
- + / * (asterisk)
- {n} / * (asterisk)
- {m,n} / * (asterisk)
- {n,} / * (asterisk)
- ^ / * (asterisk)
- $ / * (asterisk)
- [[*<*]] / * (asterisk)
- [[*>*]] / * (asterisk)
- [*class*] / * (asterisk)
- [*alpha*] / * (asterisk)
- [*space*] / * (asterisk)
- [*punct*] / * (asterisk)
- [*upper*] / * (asterisk)
- [abc] / * (asterisk)
- [^xyz] / * (asterisk)
- | / * (asterisk)
- metadata, MySQL insertion statement
- database, querying / Querying the database for its structure
- table structure, retrieving / Retrieving the table structure
- MICROSECOND() function / Date and time functions
- MID() function
- about / SUBSTRING() or MID()
- MIN() function
- about / MIN()
- MINUTE() function / Date and time functions
- MONTH() function / Date and time functions
- MONTHNAME() function / Date and time functions
- movie database project
- about / Project: A movie database
- Sakila, downloading / Getting Sakila
- Sakila database, creating / Creating the Sakila database
- Sakila database structure / The structure of Sakila
- Sakila database, planning / Planning it out
- SQL statements used / The SQL statements to be used
- user data, accepting / Accepting user data
- MySQLQuery class, implementing / A MySQL query with class
- results, formatting / Formatting the results
- sample, formatting / Formatting a sample
- result sets, formatting / Formatting a larger set of results
- main() function / The main() thing
- main() function, calling / Calling main()
- running / Running it
- multiple database connection, through MySQL for Python
- about / Multiple database connections
- multiple items, inserting
- issues / The problem
- MyISAM database engine
- about / ENGINE
- query, forming / Forming a query in MySQL
- query, passing to / Passing a query to MySQL
- insertion, passing / Passing an insertion through MySQL for Python
- databases, creating / Creating databases
- databases, removing/deleting / Removing or deleting databases
- tables, creating / Creating tables
- tables, dropping / Dropping tables
- users, creating / Creating users in MySQL
- access, granting / GRANT access in MySQL
- privileges, removing / Removing privileges in MySQL
- data types / Date and time data types in MySQL
- date and time-related functions / Date and time functions
- calculations / Calculations in MySQL
- results, trimming / Trimming results
- server-side sorting / Server-side sorting in MySQL
- system environment / MySQL's system environment
- MySQL, for Python
- getting / Getting MySQL for Python
- getting, package manager used / Using a package manager (only on Linux)
- getting, RPMs and yum used / Using RPMs and yum
- getting, RPMs and urpm used / Using RPMs and urpm
- getting, apt tools using on Debian-like systems / Using apt tools on Debian-like systems
- getting, installer used for windows / Using an installer for Windows
- getting, egg file used / Using an egg file
- getting, tarball used / Using a tarball (tar.gz filetar.gz file)
- importing / Importing MySQL for Python
- online help, accessing / Accessing online help when you need it
- MySQLdb, importing / MySQLdb
- _mysql module / _mysql
- database, connecting / Connecting with a database
- multiple database connections / Multiple database connections
- warning class / Warnings in MySQL for Python
- exceptions handling / Handling exceptions passed from MySQL
- error types / Types of errors
- MySQL C API / Importing MySQL for Python
- MySQL database
- backup plan / Every database needs a backup plan
- offline backups / Offline backups
- live backups / Live backups
- backing up, with Python / Backing up a database with Python
- MySQLdb
- importing / MySQLdb
- connection module / MySQLdb
- cursors module / MySQLdb
- converters module / MySQLdb
- times module / MySQLdb
- errors / The two main errors in MySQLdb
- DatabaseError / DatabaseError
- InterfaceError / InterfaceError
- MySQLdb.connect() / A simple SELECT statement
- mysqldump
- about / mysqldump
- backup file, viewing / Viewing the backup file
- options / Other options
- data, restoring / Restoring the data
- mysqlhotcopy
- about / mysqlhotcopy
- options / mysqlhotcopy
- MySQL insertion statement
- forming / Forming a MySQL insertion statement
- table name / Table name
- column names / Column names
- <some values> / <some values>
- ; (semicolon) / ; (semicolon)
- user-defined variables, using / Using user-defined variables
- metadata, using / Using metadata
- insertion values, changing / Changing insertion values dynamically
- MySQL queries
- changing / Changing queries dynamically
- pattern, matching / Pattern matching in MySQL queries
- changes, implementing / Putting it into practice
- MySQLQuery class, movie database project
- about / A MySQL query with class
- __init__ method / A MySQL query with class, The __init__ method: The consciousness of the class
- type / A MySQL query with class
- connection / A MySQL query with class
- query / A MySQL query with class
- execute() / A MySQL query with class
- format / A MySQL query with class
- query's type, setting / Setting the query's type
- cursor, creating / Creating the cursor
- query, forming / Forming the query
- query, executing / Executing the query
- MySQL script
- drawbacks / Why not a MySQL script?
- MySQLStatement class, bad apples project
- writing / The statement class
- __init__ method / The __init__ method
- statement type, storing / Storing the statement type
- statement, forming / Forming the statement
- statement, executing / Execute the MySQL statement
- MySQL statements
- syntactical structure / Forming a query in MySQL
- * (asterisk) / * (asterisk)
- Staff / staff
- ; (semicolon) / ; (semicolon)
- MySQL statements, movie database project
- required / The SQL statements to be used
- films, returning / Returning the films of an actor
- actors, returning / Returning the actors of a film
- NATURAL joins / NATURAL joins
- network latency
- about / Network latency
- server-client communications / Server-client communications
- apparent responsiveness / Apparent responsiveness
- NotSupportedError
- about / NotSupportedError
- NOW() function / Date and time functions, NOW()
- offline backups
- about / Offline backups
- OperationalError
- about / OperationalError
- OptionParser class / Specifying the search term from the command-line
- optparse module / Specifying the search term from the command-line
- ORDER BY, MySQL statements
- about / ORDER BY
- ORDER BY clause
- about / ORDER BY
- universal quantifier, using / Using a universal quantifier
- alphabetic sorting / Sorting alphabetically or from low-to-high
- alphabetic sorting, reversing / Reversing the alphabet or sorting high-to-low
- multiple keys, sorting with / Sorting with multiple keys
- OUTER joins / OUTER joins
- package manager
- about / Using a package manager (only on Linux)
- Pareto's Principle
- about / Pareto's Principle
- parse_args() method / Specifying the search term from the command-line
- PERIOD_ADD() function / Date and time functions
- PERIOD_DIFF() function / Date and time functions
- about / REGEXP
- POSIX character classes
- about / REGEXP
- privileges, removing in MySQL
- about / Removing privileges in MySQL
- basic syntax, REVOKE command / Basic syntax
- profiling, MySQL
- about / Profiling
- ProgrammingError
- about / ProgrammingError
- Python
- installing, on Windows / On Microsoft Windows, Installing MySQL for Python from an egg file
- loops, generating / Generating loops
- iterators / Iterators
- generators / Generators
- databases, creating with MySQLdb / Creating databases with MySQLdb
- access, granting / Granting access in Python
- REVOKE command, using / Using REVOKE in Python
- aggregate functions, programming with / Putting it in Python
- clauses, programming with / Putting it in Python
- subqueries / Subqueries
- unions / Unions
- joins / Joins
- Python exception-handling
- about / Python exception-handling
- Pythons
- warnings / Why errors and warnings are good for you
- errors / Why errors and warnings are good for you
- qaction() function / Planning the functions
- about / Adding to qaction()
- new variables, adding / New variables
- new statement formation / New statement formation
- QUARTER() function / Date and time functions
- query
- forming, in MySQL / Forming a query in MySQL
- passing, to MySQL / Passing a query to MySQL
- query() function
- about / query()
- query, passing to MySQL
- about / Passing a query to MySQL
- simple SELECT statement / A simple SELECT statement
- results, modifying / Modifying the results
- record-by-record retrieval
- issue / The problem
- reasons / Why?
- record-by-record retrieval, reasons
- computing resources / Computing resources
- network latency / Network latency
- Pareto's Principle / Pareto's Principle
- REGEXP function
- about / REGEXP
- regular expression meta-characters
- about / REGEXP
- REPLACE() function
- about / REPLACE()
- results trimming, in MySQL
- DISTINCT function, used / DISTINCT
- GROUP_CONCAT() function, used / GROUP_CONCAT()
- REVOKE command
- using, in Python / Using REVOKE in Python
- RIGHT joins / LEFT and RIGHT joins
- ROUND() function
- about / ROUND()
- ; (semicolon), MySQL statements
- about / ; (semicolon)
- Sakila
- downloading / Getting Sakila
- Sakila database
- creating / Creating the Sakila database
- structure / The structure of Sakila
- about / A brief introduction to CRUD
- SECOND() function / Date and time functions
- SEC_TO_TIME() function / Date and time functions
- SELECT, MySQL statements
- about / SELECT
- server-side sorting, MySQL
- about / Server-side sorting in MySQL
- GROUP BY clause, using / GROUP BY
- ORDER BY clause, using / ORDER BY
- setuptools
- installing / Without a package manager (Mac, Linux)
- Slashdot effect / Web applications
- sorting
- about / New statement formation
- str() function / Querying the database for its structure
- string functions, MySQL
- CONCAT() function / CONCAT() function
- MID() function / SUBSTRING() or MID()
- SUBSTRING() function / SUBSTRING() or MID()
- TRIM() function / TRIM()
- REPLACE() function / REPLACE()
- INSERT() functions / INSERT()
- LENGTH() function / LENGTH()
- INSTR() function / INSTR()
- LOCATE() function / LOCATE()
- ROUND() function / ROUND()
- FORMAT() function / FORMAT()
- UPPER() function / UPPER()
- LOWER() function / LOWER()
- STR_TO_DATE() function / Date and time functions
- SUBDATE() function / Date and time functions
- subqueries, HAVING clause
- about / Subqueries
- SUBSTRING() function
- about / SUBSTRING() or MID()
- SUBTIME() function / Date and time functions
- SUM() function
- about / SUM()
- SYSDATE() function / Date and time functions
- system environment, MySQL
- ENGINE command / ENGINE
- profiling / Profiling
- system variables / SHOW system variables
- table-oriented operations, database metadata
- about / Accessing metadata about tables
- tables, displaying / SHOW TABLES
- table status, displaying / SHOW TABLE STATUS
- columns, displaying / Showing columns from a table
- tables, creating in MySQL / Creating tables
- about / Creating tables
- bases, covering / Covering our bases
- errors, avoiding / Avoiding errors
- temporary tables, creating / Creating temporary tables
- tables, dropping in MySQL
- about / Dropping tables
- errors, avoiding / Avoiding errors
- user privileges, removing / Removing user privileges
- tar.gz file / Using a tarball (tar.gz filetar.gz file)
- tbaction() function / Planning the functions
- teacup / Local resources
- TIME() function / Date and time functions, TIME()
- TIME data type, MySQL
- about / TIME
- format / Format, Invalid values, Date and time types in Python
- TIMEDIFF() function / Date and time functions
- TIMESTAMP() function / Date and time functions
- TIMESTAMPADD() function / Date and time functions
- TIMESTAMP data type, MySQL
- about / TIMESTAMP
- input values / Input of values
- range / Range
- default value / Defaults, initialization, and updating
- initialization / Defaults, initialization, and updating
- updating / Defaults, initialization, and updating
- TIMESTAMPDIFF() function / Date and time functions
- TIME_FORMAT() function / Date and time functions
- TIME_TO_SEC() function / Date and time functions
- TO_DAYS() function / Date and time functions
- TO_SECONDS() function / Date and time functions
- transaction
- about / Transactions
- TRIM() function
- about / TRIM()
- basic syntax / Basic syntax
- options / Options
- alternatives / Alternatives
- type method / Project: Bad apples
- unions, HAVING clause
- about / Unions
- UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function / Date and time functions
- UPPER() function
- about / UPPER()
- urpm package manager
- about / Using RPMs and urpm
- user-defined variables
- using / Using user-defined variables
- user metadata
- accessing / Accessing user metadata
- users
- creating, in MySQL / Creating users in MySQL
- creating, from Python / Creating users from Python
- removing, in MySQL / Removing users in MySQL
- dropping, in Python / DROPping users in Python
- users, creating in MySQL
- about / Creating users in MySQL
- password use, forcing / Forcing the use of a password
- client host, restricting / Restricting the client's host
- UTC_DATE() function / Date and time functions
- UTC_TIME() function / Date and time functions
- UTC_TIMESTAMP() function / Date and time functions
- valid_digit() function
- about / valid_digit() and valid_string()
- valid_string() function
- about / valid_digit() and valid_string()
- valid_table() function
- about / valid_table()
- warnings
- benefits / Why errors and warnings are good for you
- web-based administration project
- functions, planning / Planning the functions
- function code / Code of each function
- HTML output / The HTML output
- data, receiving / Getting the data
- main() function, defining / Defining main()
- web-based user administration project
- about / Project: Web-based user administration
- new options, in code / New options in the code
- DROP function, adding / Adding the functions: CREATE and DROP
- CREATE function, adding / Adding the functions: CREATE and DROP
- DROP function, adding to main() / Adding CREATE and DROP to main()
- CREATE function, adding to main() / Adding CREATE and DROP to main()
- REVOKE function, adding / Adding the functions: GRANT and REVOKE
- GRANT function, adding / Adding the functions: GRANT and REVOKE
- GRANT function, adding to main() / Adding GRANT and REVOKE to main()
- REVOKE function, adding to main() / Adding GRANT and REVOKE to main()
- testing / Test the program
- WEEK() function / Date and time functions
- WEEKDAY() function / Date and time functions
- WEEKOFYEAR() function / Date and time functions
- WHERE, MySQL statements
- about / WHERE
- syntax / WHERE versus HAVING: Syntax
- about / WHERE versus HAVING: Syntax
- aggregate functions / WHERE versus HAVING: Aggregate functions
- application / WHERE versus HAVING: Application
- while...if loops
- about / while...if loops
- YEAR() function / Date and time functions
- YEAR data type, MySQL
- about / Defaults, initialization, and updating
- two-digit YEAR value / Two-digit YEAR values
- four-digit YEAR value / Four-digit YEAR values
- valid input / Valid input
- YEARWEEK() function / Date and time functions
- yum package manager
- about / Using RPMs and yum