Excluding assessments from the final grade
There might be elements of the online course that are assessed but do not count toward a final grade. These could be formative assessments such as homework activities, quizzes to enable self-assessment, and so on. These graded items will automatically appear in the Gradebook, but you might not want the grades to be counted in the final category or the course total.
There are two main ways in which we can do this. One is to exclude a graded activity for all students and the other is to exclude individual grades for each individual student.
Excluding assessments from the aggregation for all students
There are a few ways in which this can be achieved. One has already been mentioned in Chapter 5, Using Calculations, when using the weighted mean of grades. There are two further ways in which this can be achieved, and both require the use of categories.
If you would like all the graded items that do not count for the course total to be in one category, you...