The Glossary activity is one of the most underrated activities in Moodle. On the surface, a glossary is a list of words and definitions that students can access. However, a course creator allows students to add entries to the glossary. Adding entries transforms the glossary from a static list of vocabulary words into a collaborative tool for learning purposes. It also has an auto-linking feature that means that any time the word is used in the course, it automatically links to the glossary entry:
Figure 9.1 – Glossary icon
If your learning objectives require individuals to be able to identify, define, and describe items or phenomena, the Glossary activity is ideal. For example, you might have a course on tourism and wish to develop a glossary of terms that are specialized in a specific area; for example, the terms regarding culture tourism. Students can collaborate and make a customized glossary that can help them during the course and, later...