Workshop basics
Workshops are complex. There are many components and most settings that you choose will affect or be affected by at least one or the other setting. Let's review some basic concepts before we talk about Workshop specifics.
Listing your learning objectives
It is easy to get a bit carried away and to start building a Workshop before you have a clear purpose in mind. While this is fine if you're simply putting together a framework or a design document, it is not very effective if you're going to implement your Workshop and use it to train others.
As you develop the activities, focus them on learning objectives. It is often useful to refer to Bloom's taxonomy as you develop the cognitive tasks you will incorporate. Be sure to include different levels of complexity, from simple identification to higher-level tasks such as evaluation.
Planning your strategy
When you create a Moodle Workshop, you may enter several pages worth of information. Again, think of learning objectives. At the...